Cap Fréhel - Wikipedia
Cap Fréhel is a peninsula in Côtes-d'Armor, in northern Brittany, France which extends off the Côte d'Émeraude into the Golfe de Saint-Malo. No towns or villages are situated on the peninsula; however, two lighthouses, one from the 17th century and the …
Cap Frehel ‑ Fort La Latte - Brittany tourism
Dominating the sea at over 70 metres high, the shale and pink sandstone cliffs of Cap Fréhel offer one of the most beautiful views of Brittany. A walk through the exceptional bird reserve, between gorse and heathers, leads to the famous Fort La Latte.
Cap Frehel visitor guide - France This Way
Cap-Frehel is a scenic spot on the northern coast of Brittany west of Dinard and close to the small village of Plévenon. The Cap is set on high limestone cliffs overlooking the sea to the north, and the wild heather countryside of the region inland.
Cap Frehel – Fort La Latte - Tourisme Bretagne
Surplombant une mer d’émeraude, battu par les vents, le cap Fréhel enchante par sa beauté et ses couleurs chatoyantes. Ses falaises, à pic comme des murailles, abritent des centaines d’oiseaux nicheurs.
Cap Fréhel — Wikipédia
Le cap Fréhel est situé sur la côte nord de la Bretagne, à la limite ouest de la Côte d'Émeraude. Situé à 8,5 km du centre de Fréhel et à 4 km du centre de Plévenon, l'accès se fait par une route côtière, soit en arrivant de l'est, en passant à proximité du fort La Latte, soit depuis Sables-d'Or-les-Pins, à l'ouest.
Large site of France Cap d'Erquy-Cap Fréhel - Cap Frehel
Cap Fréhel, a set of pink sandstone cliffs dominating the sea at a height of more than 70 m, offers a panorama that you will never tire of and which will remain forever etched in your memories. In winter, Cap Fréhel takes on a wild and mysterious beauty.
Cap Fréhel: Grand Natural Site of France - Cap Frehel
Cap Fréhel is a protected site in several respects. He was classified since 1967 under the protection of natural monuments and sites for the quality of its coastal moors, its biological wealth and its ornithological reserve. It is also a Natura 2000 site, designated to protect habitats and endangered animal and plant species on a European scale.
Cap Frehel - Fort la Latte Hike, Emerald Coast, Brittany
Nov 27, 2024 · Cap Frehel is a headland along the Northern Coast of Brittany in France. Crowned by a sky-piercing lighthouse, Cap Frehel dazzles with its nesting seabirds and 70-meter-high shale and limestone cliffs.
Cap Fréhel in France! [Best for Hiking, Biking, or Driving]
Dec 19, 2023 · Looking for some great hiking and beautiful landscapes in northern France? Cap Fréhel, or Cape Frehel, is the place for you! With 2 lighthouses and a fort nearby, there’s plenty to do.
Le Cap Fréhel et le Cap d'Erquy | Bretagne - Côtes d'Armor
Du cap d'Erquy et son va-et-vient de bateaux dans le port jusqu'au cap Fréhel et ses falaises hautes de 70 mètres, partez à la découverte d'un espace naturel époustouflant. Classé Grand Site de France, le site Cap d'Erquy - Cap Fréhel déroule à vos pieds 600 hectares de landes entre falaises de grès rose et mer d'émeraude.