Carpenter frog - Wikipedia
The carpenter frog (Lithobates virgatipes) is a species of true frog found on coastal plain of the Atlantic coast of the United States between central New Jersey and northeastern Florida. [3] Carpenter frogs are distinguished by their all brown color with two yellow stripes on each side of …
Carpenter Frog - University of Florida
Jan 13, 2020 · Like all "true frogs," they have large eardrums and webbed hind feet. Breeding: April to August; eggs are laid in clusters (200-600 eggs) attached to vegetation.
Carpenter Frog - herpsofnc.org
Habitats and Habits: Found in the Coastal Plain, carpenter frogs are more often heard than seen. They are among our most aquatic frogs, seldom venturing far from water. Habitats include pine savanna ponds, bogs, beaver swamps, Carolina bays, seeps, pocosins (shrub bogs) and ditches.
Carpenter Frog - Virginia Herpetological Society
Carpenter Frog. Scientific Name: Lithobates virgatipes. Etymology: Genus: Lithobates is Greek, Litho means "A stone", bates means "One that walks or haunts." Species: virgatipes is Latin meaning "striped foot" Referring to the striped markings found on rear feet. Average Length: 1.6 - 2.6 in. (4.1 - 6.7 cm)
Carpenter Frog Status & Distribution | FWC - Florida Fish and …
The carpenter frog (Lithobates virgatipes) is a Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN) in Florida, where it reaches the southern periphery of its geographic range. The species has only been documented from two counties (Baker and Columbia), both in …
Carpenter Frog (Rana [Lithobates] virgatipes) - University of Georgia
Description: The Carpenter Frog is a mid-sized frog, ranging from 1 ? -2 ? in (4.1-6.7 cm). It is generally brown or bronze in color with 4 light stripes down its back, and no dorsolateral ridges. Carpenter Frogs have short hind legs, making them somewhat toad-like in body shape and a venter that is white with black mottling.
Carpenter Frog - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Working with others to conserve, protect and enhance fish, wildlife, plants and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people.
Fun Carpenter Frog Facts For Kids - Kidadl
Aug 6, 2021 · Carpenter frog (Lithobates virgatipes) is a medium-sized frog species. They have an overall appearance of brown-colored frogs, that is, the limbs, head, and body of these frogs are brown. Four golden or yellowish stripes can be seen …
Carpenter Frog (Rana virgatipes) - gonefroggin.com
Jul 1, 2019 · The Carpenter Frog is found along the Atlantic Coast from New Jersey down to Georgia. They are easily identified by their two yellow lines that run down their back. Males of the species have paired vocal sacs.
Carpenter Frog | Virginia DWR
Jan 22, 2024 · Scientific Name: Lithobates virgatipes. Classification: Amphibian. Conservation Status: Size: Up to 3 inches. This is a smaller frog, in comparison to other True Frogs. Body is dark brown with four yellowish or golden brown longitudinal stripes on the back. The dorsolateral folds are absent. Belly is yellowish with dark brown or black spots.
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