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Cedent or Cedant - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
Mar 19, 2019 · I did: 101 for cedent, and 65 for cedant. Focusing further on individual subdomains: The actuarial forum at acted.co.uk had users using both cedent and cedant. In at least one case the same poster used both spellings. Domains conning.com, asianlii.org, stikeman.com, lloyds.com, and qbe.com have multiple results attesting the cedant spelling ...
orthography - Is there a rule for “‑ance” vs. “‑ence”? - English ...
Jan 20, 2011 · @mickeyf: I guess you both need to agree on the definition of "rules". It sounds to me that mickeyf is talking about prescriptive rules, which are applied at some point in the middle of the life of a language, and you are talking about rules in the sense of structured grammar that all language speakers must necessarily have.