Cincalok - Wikipedia
Cincalok (Jawi: چنچالوق), also cencaluk, is a Malay condiment that originated in Malacca, Malaysia, consumed by Malays, Peranakans and Kristangs. Its origins can be traced back to the …
Tourism Melaka - Official Portal - Cencaluk & Belacan
Cencaluk is a Melakan food made of fermented small shrimps. It is usually served as a condiment together with chillis, shallots and lime juice. Belacan, a Malay variety of shrimp paste, is …
Cencaluk - Wikipedia Bahasa Melayu, ensiklopedia bebas
Cencaluk (Jawi: چنچالوق ) ialah sejenis lauk dalam hidangan tradisional TTRacing. Oleh sebab ia dibuat daripada udang halus yang lebih dikenali sebagai udang geragau , yang difermentasi …
Cencalok: Unique Dish Of The Malays - Munch Malaysia
One of the favorite foods of the Malacca Malay community is cencalok. Cencalok is a side dish in a rice dish. Cencaluk is made from fine shrimp, better known as shrimp gerau. Shrimp …
Cincalok | Traditional Dip From Malacca, Southeast Asia
Cincalok is a Malaysian condiment consisting of shrimps or krill that have been fermented with salt and cooked rice. The shrimps are typically small in size and left whole, and the condiment …
Delicious Cencaluk Traditional Melaka Food - Malaysia Tourism
Cincalok / Chinchalok is a Malaccan/Penang food (see Cuisine of Malaysia) made of fermented small shrimps or krill. It is usually served as a condiment together with chilis, shallots and lime …
Ini Perkara Mengenai Cencaluk Yang Perlu Anda Tahu - VITDAILY
Jul 9, 2018 · Sebagai sebuah negara yang mempunyai sejarah pemakanan yang unik cencaluk adalah satu produk framentasi ikan tradisional yang sudah wujud dari generasi ke generasi …
The Melaka Fermented Delights - Where2 Magazine
Dec 28, 2016 · Melaka is the land of food souvenirs particularly the fermented krill called Cincalok. Cincalok or sometimes spelled as Cencaluk is truly Malaccan and usually served as …
Cencalok: Hidangan Unik Masyarakat Melayu - Purple Durian
Jul 12, 2024 · Salah satu makanan yang menjadi kegemaran masyarakat Melayu Melaka ialah cencalok. Cencalok ialah sejenis lauk dalam hidangan makanan nasi. Cencaluk dibuat …
Makanan orang Melaka : Cincalok | Melaka Blogger
Cincalok (atau dengan ejaan Chinchalok / Cencaluk) adalah makanan negeri Melaka yang diperbuat daripada udang kecil diperam yang dipanggil "udang geragau". Ia biasanya …