Cessna 172 long range tanks - Pilots of America
Apr 19, 2011 · The 172 RG's get alot of crap but his 15 year old plane (at the time) was pretty sweet It cruised at 138 knots, had a 180 HP lycoming with constant speed prop. He owned it for several years and never had any problems with gear maintenance etc. Really was a …
Pros and Cons of C172 vs. PA28 Warrior/Cherokee as training aircraft
Dec 16, 2012 · For a same year 172/PA28, it's same/same as a training platform. They're both good, stable platforms with good flight training characteristics. Each has a couple advantages over the other, it all washes out. Cessna has two doors, …
Cessna Generator Troubleshooting | Pilots of America
Aug 23, 2020 · Anyone have and willing to share a flow chart troubleshooting guide for the 1965 cessna 172 generator system in terms of what should and should not have continuity and acceptable resistance between various points - obviously we are having a issue with the generator and working with our A&P to...
C-172 - How many hours is too many? - Backcountry Pilot
May 15, 2019 · So I am looking at a C-172 at the moment and it has 25,1XX hours on it. It is a 1982 P model with Penn Yan 180HP and 2550 GW increase, along with heaps of other good STC's that elimiate some AD's, or reduce or remove periodic inspections of some stuff. it does have Cessna SID's done in 2012 (made mandatory in Australia).
Which STOL mod for C-172 - Backcountry Pilot
Feb 25, 2018 · Aircraft: Cessna 172. top Thu Mar 26, 2020 5:27 am. Re: Which STOL mod for C-172. So a stock 172-D has a ...
Best value in the market - Cessna 172 1956 thru 1959?
Dec 27, 2008 · My mission is to fly and not concerned about total cost per mile per seat. Seems like most people on this forum consider airplanes as business tools but not me. Surprising early Cessna 172's sell for little more than a early Cessna 150. The 172 I believe has the best fatal safety record in GA aircraft followed by the 150 and then 182.
172 vs Cherokee - Pilots of America
Jul 13, 2011 · What is always so complex to a new buyer is that the Cherokee line consists of a whole slew of different aircraft, while the 172 is, well, the 172, with very minor variations over the years. (Exception: The up-tick to 180 HP. That was a "big deal".)
Forward Slips with Flaps, Cessna... Is it Ok? | Pilots of America
Mar 28, 2009 · The older 172's may have the nose drop if slipped with full flaps. The thought is the nose drop would get you in a bind if it happened at low level. Supposedly the later 172's had larger horizontal stabilizers which eleminated the nose drop problem. I haven't measured horizontal stabilizers to see if there is any truth to the story.
Diamond DA40 vs Cessna 172 - Pilots of America
Getting used to a 172 with 40 degrees of flaps was initially a challenge. The DA-40 is off my list of planes I would currently buy because: 1) The G1000-WASS-GFC 700 autopilot versions are above my price point
Cessna 172 firewall damage - Pilots of America
May 31, 2005 · The tolerances matter. Getting it a little small will result in unacceptable rivet hole edge distances. And measuring another 172 with all the stuff on the firewall would be fun indeed. There is still the matter of which stainless. SInce I retired I can't remember if Cessna specified wich one it is in the manual, chapter 19.