Table – Working Load Limits (WLL) for Chain Chain Size in millimeters (inches) Unmarked Chain Grade 30 proof coil Grade 43 high test Grade 70 transport Grade 80 alloy Grade 100 alloy Chain Marking None 3, 30, 300 4, 43, 430 7, 70, 700 8, 80, 800 10, 100, 1000 7mm (1/4in) 580kg (1,300lb) 580kg (1,300lb) 1,180kg
Peerless | Grade 80/100 Working Load Limits
Manufactured to ASTM 80 short link specs or NACM long link specs for reduced weight. Designed specifically to provide a light, yet strong chain for binding, tie-downs, towing and construction use. Made from a variety of medium carbon and alloy materials.
Working Load Limits of Chain | USCC | US Cargo Control
Sep 30, 2014 · Chains have a working load limit- or WLL- of approximately one third of their break strengths (the amount of force the chains can withstand before they break). How to Find the Working Load Limit. The chain grade and diameter determines the working load limit of the chain.
Understanding Chain Working Load Limits (WLL) and How to …
Jan 19, 2025 · A chain’s working load limit (WLL) represents the maximum weight a chain can safely handle during operation. You calculate it by dividing the chain’s minimum breaking strength by a safety factor (typically 5:1 for industrial chains, 4:1 for overhead lifting chains, or 3:1 for general-purpose chains).
eCFR :: 49 CFR 393.108 -- Determining the working load limit of a ...
(a) The working load limit (WLL) of a tiedown, associated connector or attachment mechanism is the lowest working load limit of any of its components (including tensioner), or the working load limit of the anchor points to which it is attached, whichever is less.
Comparing Chain Grades | U.S. Cargo Control | US Cargo Control
Apr 23, 2018 · Working load limit (WLL) of a chain is another designated safety measure. WLL is a weight significantly less than the weight that would cause a chain to fail (tensile strength). WLL = MBL / SF.
Chains Working Load Limit - Elite Sales Inc
The working load limit (WLL) of a chain is a safety precaution to prevent this from happening. Here’s what you need to know about the WLL, how it is calculated, and how to work with it in your industrial application.
Working Load Limit Table | High Road Online CDL Training - Trucking Truth
What is the aggregate WLL of one 7/15 inch Grade 43 chain, and three 5/16 inch Grade 70 chains? Given that general cargo securement requires a WLL of at least 50% of cargo weight, how many 1/2-inch Grade 70 chains would be required for a load of 34,500 lbs? Place against or around an article to prevent horizontal movement of the article.
Jul 27, 2021 · Protect tie-downs from damage when in contact with edges, protrusions or abrasive surfaces. Never exceed the working load limit (WLL) of the tie-down; taking into account the load, vehicle anchor points and the tie-down configuration and angles. User must be alert to any and all hazzards when securing cargo.
Cargo Securement Working Load Limits | J. J. Keller
View the working load limits to be used when the cargo tiedown material is not marked by the manufacturer with the working load limit.