Viewing a thread - Excited about my new Challenger 1042 (Fendt)
Feb 11, 2017 · Full torque at 1100 rpm's; is all there. It has noticeable more power than my Challenger 775E track machine. The 1042 pulls my 25 shank parabolic deep ripper 1.5 mph faster than the 775E track machine. I've also ran a 7 20" Tatu switch breaking plow and packer that this tractor handled with ease. The 1042 has great traction.
Viewing a thread - Two track tractor opinions - AgTalk
May 14, 2020 · the new Fendt's that will replace the 8xxEs with have Bosch hydrauic SCVs and MANN engines and are far less trouble so sez my Cat dealer tech the 1038's and 1042's seem to be good but spendy yet. Two track tractor opinions - KyRedman : 5/13/2020 12:34
Viewing a thread - Challenger 1046 demo impressions. - AgTalk
Nov 23, 2017 · The sinlge 480 38's turn much better that the duals. We have no problem of getting the power to the ground. My 1042 out pulled my 775 E by 1 mph on my 23 shank parabolic deep ripper. I have over 1000 hours on my 1042 and over 600 hrs on my 1038. I have replaced one def sensor on the 1042. The trouble free performance has been great.
Viewing a thread - Challenger 1000 Series Tractor feedback?
May 19, 2018 · Demoed a 1038 as well this spring. It is a very nice tractor. Super quiet, ran at 1400 rpms all day. Used like 20% less fuel than our Massey Ferguson 8735 tractor doing the same job. I will agree with remotes being way too high on the back. Looking at either a 1038 or 1042 for this fall potentially.
Viewing a thread - Fendt or Challenger - AgTalk
Feb 8, 2018 · My 1042 outpulled my 25 shank parabolic deep ripper by 1 mph compared to my 775E track machine. The 1000 series puts the power to the ground without any power hop. Amazingly smooth , quiet running tractors. The lower RPMs will add much to the longevity of the tractor. This tractor is 10 years ahead of the competition of any other color.
Viewing a thread - New high-horsepower Challengers - AgTalk
Sep 3, 2018 · I had the opposite experience. I owned a track 775 E and a 1042 Challenger. My 1042 out pulls my 775 E to my surprise. My 1042 has been flawless and amazing in pulling power. I pull 23 shank Roll-o-cone parabolic deep rippers. the 1042 pulls at least .5- 1 mph faster at the same depth. My 1042 currently has 2000 hrs of trouble free performance ...
Viewing a thread - challenger 1042 large hyd coupler - AgTalk
Mar 17, 2023 · RE: challenger 1042 large hyd coupler - mike in sw mn: 3/18/2023 10:59 RE: challenger 1042 large hyd coupler - Massey1155 : 3/18/2023 11:28 RE: challenger 1042 large hyd coupler - dschilling92887 : 3/21/2023 16:58
Viewing a thread - Magnum 380, Challenger 1038 opinions? - AgTalk
Nov 11, 2023 · Challenger 1042 here. Lookd at a deere 8370r at the same time. The 1000 series are significantly bigger and the 12 liter is better than 9.... but with cvt not sure if it's a big deal. Only down side is the turn radius if the 1000 series is poor. 40ft implement is barely wide enough. It will be a new guidance system to learn.
rear wheel weights - Challenger/Fendt 1038, 1042, 1050,
I have a very nice set of Rear wheel weights for a Challenger or Fendt Tractor. (Models 1038,1042,1050) Each weight weighs 2,755lbs. They were taken off when we got the tractor and haven't been on since and traded in the tractor
Viewing a thread - challenger 1042 large hyd coupler - AgTalk
Mar 21, 2023 · RE: challenger 1042 large hyd coupler - mike in sw mn: 3/18/2023 10:59 RE: challenger 1042 large hyd coupler - Massey1155 : 3/18/2023 11:28 RE: challenger 1042 large hyd coupler - dschilling92887 : 3/21/2023 16:58