Chlamydospore - Wikipedia
A chlamydospore is the thick-walled large resting spore of several kinds of fungi, including Ascomycota such as Candida, [1] Basidiomycota such as Panus, [2] and various Mortierellales species. [3] It is the life-stage which survives in unfavourable …
Chlamydospore - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Chlamydospores are survival structures formed from an existing hyphal cell or a conidium that develops a thickened wall and cytoplasm packed with lipid reserves. The thickened cell walls may be pigmented or hyaline, and chlamydospores develop singly or …
Chlamydospore Formation and Function in Fungal Development
Oct 17, 2024 · This article will explore chlamydospore formation, their structural traits, significance in the fungal life cycle, environmental triggers prompting their development, and methods for detection and identification.
Chlamydospore - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Chlamydospores are solitary, intercalary, and relatively thick-walled asexual spores whose primary function is perennation, not dissemination (Griffiths 1974). They are produced in swellings that form in young, aseptate mycelia. Powell and colleagues (1981) described the formation of these spores in Gilbertella persicaria.
Chlamydospore Formation during Hyphal Growth in
Chlamydospore formation during hyphal growth in Cryptococcus neoformans. In response to nutrient limitation, desiccation, darkness, and pheromone stimulation, Cryptococcus neoformans can switch from a single-celled yeast form to a multicellular filamentous form.
Chlamydospore - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Chlamydospores are resistant forms, developed by modification of hyphal or conidial cells through the condensation of their contents, that allow the long-term survival of the fungus in the soil. Their formation depends on environmental conditions, such as pH or media composition (Griffin, 1976).
Candida species Rewired Hyphae Developmental Programs for Chlamydospore …
Proposed model of chlamydospore regulation in Candida species. Optimal conditions of chlamydospore formation by C. albicans and C. dubliniensis are room temperature (27°C), darkness, and poor nutritional conditions (although the presence of starch-containing plant material has a supporting effect). The TOR and cAMP-PKA signaling pathways relay ...
A Homeobox Transcription Factor UvHOX2 Regulates Chlamydospore …
Jun 19, 2019 · The development of chlamydospore is generally controlled by regulatory networks stimulated by the environment. Here, we report a homeobox TF UvHOX2 that is essential for chlamydospore formation and also contributes to pathogenicity in U. virens.
Chlamydospore formation in Candida albicans and Candida …
The finding that chlamydospore formation is differentially controlled by certain environmental signals in C. albicans and C. dubliniensis has opened new approaches to study the regulation of this morphogenetic programme.
Identification of genes related to chlamydospore formation in ...
Chlamydospores are specific structures that are of great significance to the commercialization of fungal biopesticides. To explore the genes associated with chlamydospore formation, a biocontrol fungus Clonostachys rosea 67‐1 that is capable of ...
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