`chmod 770 folderName` restrics access to subdirectories & subfiles?
If I run chmod 770 ./folderName, then users who are not the owner or in the group owning ./folderName (i.e. users in the “others” category) cannot access ./folderName/folderB or …
users - Setting permissions on files and folder - is folder perms ...
Nov 24, 2020 · 770 permissions on a directory allow the directory’s owner and any member of the directory’s group to read, write and search the directory. This means that any member of the …
Please change the permissions to 0770 so that the directory
Nov 22, 2013 · If /mnt/usbdrive/owncloud/ is on a filesystem like FAT or NTFS that doesn't support Unix-style permissions chmod and chown don't work and you have to set the …
What part of chmod 770 am I misunderstanding? [duplicate]
Sep 28, 2016 · I was trying to experiment with users, groups, and permissions. The results can be seen below: vagrant@cats:/$ ls -l | grep home drwxr-xr-x 5 root admin 4096 Sep 28 05:49 …
I entered "sudo chmod 770 /" on terminal. Is it fixable?
Jan 5, 2016 · I was trying to deny permissions to access the root folder to all non sudoers, and had the (NOT) brilliant idea to run sudo chmod 770 /. Now I get permission denied for all …
Difference between "chmod 775" and "chmod 2755" - linux
Oct 23, 2012 · chmod 2775 /var/www The 2 in front of 775 causes the group who is the owner of /var/www to be copied to all new files/folders created in that directory. There are also other …
permissions - CHMOD Folder + subfolder - Ask Ubuntu
chmod -R 770 test As I said, I can acces the content of the folder test, but can't acces test > test 1 > test 2 >. How do I apply these settings to all enclosed folders and files? Kind regards, [EDIT] …
Is there any difference between mode value 0777 and 777
Dec 2, 2013 · @jlliagre From the chmod man page - "Omitted digits are assumed to be leading zeros.". Also, the first digit of 4 is the sticky bit. From the man page again: "The first digit …
Linux Root group change chmod for root owned to 770
Jun 11, 2015 · I'd like to have normal user account assigned to root group (which I've done already) and change mod of all files that are owned by root user to 770, If I understood it well …
How can I revert a chmod on the etc directory? - linux
# sudo find /etc -type d -exec chmod 775 '{}' \; # sudo find /etc -type f -exec chmod 664 '{}' \; With those two lines you'll be setting liberal permissions in all the /etc dir, with read/write allowed for …