Setting chmod 777 on folder using Mac Terminal - Super User
The command you show will not chmod the named directory, but only the files and subdirectories it contains. It’s better to use -R and leave off the /* . (3) Aside from the parts that are wrong, this doesn’t really contribute any information that isn’t already in the accepted answer.
How to recursively change sharing/permission of a folder in Mac …
Oct 22, 2014 · You want to use the chmod and chown commands. If I remember correctly, you can change the permissions like this: chmod -R +a "joshhunt allow read" /some/file/or/folder/ chmod -R +a "Guest deny read" /some/other/folder/ chmod -R +a "Guest deny write" /some/other/folder/ For more details one these commands, look up …
How to add chmod +x on a file, from right click menu service in mac
Sep 15, 2018 · so i need to use chmod +x alot, and i thought it could be easier to make a service in Automator to add it to the right click menu, so it will run chmod +x on the selected file as choose it from the right click menu ive no idea how to do that so any help would be appreciated
How to recursively set owner or permissions to 'everyone' for all ...
sudo chmod -R u+w . And if you're really crazy and just want to give all permissions to everyone (as indicated by your title): sudo chmod -R 777 . But this shouldn't be necessary in most cases. Also, do note though that volumes with FAT32 file systems don't have that permissions concept.
macos - sudo chmod -R 777 / - Super User
Most users of Mac OS X have not intentionally modified privileges and simply need a utility to reset system privileges to their correct default values. If you have Mac OS X 10.2 and later, this utility is included in the operating system. If you have Mac OS X 10.1 you can download it.
How to fix 'The application "..." can't be opened' on Mac?
Aug 3, 2018 · There are many possible causes for this problem, and most cannot be fixed using chmod. Handling program bundles with inappropriate tools often will "damage" executable bundles. Handling program bundles with inappropriate tools …
Why does chown report "Operation not permitted" on OS X?
I am trying to do the following on my Mac (10.6.7): sudo chown myusername:wheel ./entries but Unix/Mac is returning "Operation not permitted". When I ls -lash the culprit file, it looks as follows: 8 -rwxrwxrwx 1 myusername staff 394B Apr 26 23:26 entries I've tried sudo and sudo su; nothing works. Any ideas what's up?
How do I make a python file executable on macOS Sierra?
Jan 8, 2017 · In Terminal make the Python script file executable by running chmod +x Test.command (obviously the Test.command will be whatever your file is from Step 2 above). By following the above steps, you should be able to double-click your Python script within macOS Sierra and it will open a terminal window and run the script.
Equivalent of chmod to change file permissions in Windows
Aug 18, 2011 · The question asks about an "[e]quivalent of chmod to change file permissions in Windows". There is no direct equivalent to chmod in Windows because there is nothing like the file "mode" attribute. The standard set of Windows file attributes have nothing to do with this.
What's are the technical differences between "chmod -w file" and ...
BSD/MacOS question. chmod -w file will remove all the write permissions from file chflags uchg file will set the user-immutable bit (aka "Locked" bit) on file Beyond the obvious statement of "se...