Chromista - Wikipedia
Chromista is a proposed but polyphyletic [1][2][3] biological kingdom, refined from the Chromalveolata, consisting of single-celled and multicellular eukaryotic species that share similar features in their photosynthetic organelles (plastids). [4] .
Kingdom Chromista and its eight phyla: a new synthesis …
In 1981 I established kingdom Chromista, distinguished from Plantae because of its more complex chloroplast-associated membrane topology and rigid tubular multipartite ciliary hairs. Plantae originated by converting a cyanobacterium to chloroplasts ...
Fossils/Protozoa and Chromista - Wiki - Scioly.org
Only one phylum under Kingdom Protozoa, Foraminifera, is on the 2024 Fossil List. This fossil will only be tested at the State and National levels. Forams are single-celled organisms. Most forams possess a test, a shell secreted while the animal was alive.
Fossil Record of the Chromista - University of California Museum …
In the Cenozoic fossil record, fossils of siliceous chromists such as diatoms and chrysophytes may be abundant in freshwater deposits and may be crucial for reconstructing paleoenvironments and for paleolimnology.
Chromista - mindat.org
Chromista is a biological kingdom of some single-celled eukaryotic organisms, which are probably polyphyletic. It includes all protists whose photosynthetic organelle (plastids) contain chlorophyll c.
Kingdoms Protozoa and Chromista and the eozoan root of the …
Recent phylogenetic advances reveal that several major protist groups formerly treated as Protozoa really belong in the kingdom Chromista, necessitating radical reinterpretation of chromist evolution and revision of higher classification of both kingdoms, effected here.
(PDF) The Chromista - ResearchGate
Nov 15, 2011 · I discuss eukaryotic deep phylogeny and reclassify the basal eukaryotic kingdom Protozoa and derived kingdom Chromista in the light of multigene trees.
The single, ancient origin of chromist plastids - PMC
Here we analyzed a five-gene plastid data set to show that a taxonomically diverse group of chlorophyll c2 -containing protists comprising cryptophyte, haptophyte, and stramenopiles algae (Chromista) share a common plastid that most likely arose from a single, ancient (≈1,260 million years ago) secondary endosymbiosis involving a red alga.
Chromista - IRMNG
Taxonomic remark Kingdom Chromista first proposed by Cavalier-Smith in 1981, to include Chromophyta plus Cryptophyta in his five and seven eukaryote kingdoms proposals; subsequently expanded to include non-algal heterokont groups, then further expanded to include the formerly protozoan Heliozoa and infrakingdoms Alveolata and Rhizaria (Cavalier ...
Kingdoms Protozoa and Chromista and the eozoan root of the
Jun 23, 2010 · I discuss eukaryotic deep phylogeny and reclassify the basal eukaryotic kingdom Protozoa and derived kingdom Chromista in the light of multigene trees.