Chromista - Wikipedia
Chromista is a proposed but polyphyletic [1][2][3] biological kingdom, refined from the Chromalveolata, consisting of single-celled and multicellular eukaryotic species that share similar features in their photosynthetic organelles (plastids). [4]
Chromista - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Los cromistas (o reino Chromista) son un grupo de organismos eucariotas que constituiría un reino biológico independiente de acuerdo con los postulados de Cavalier-Smith.
The C-terminal domain of Chromista nucleolin-like proteins has characteristic RGG repeats, but 28 its length varies among both different phyla and among the same phylogenetic clade.
Kingdom Chromista and its eight phyla: a new synthesis …
Kingdom Chromista was established to include all chromophyte algae whose chloroplasts are separated from the cytosol by four topologically distinct membranes as well as all heterotrophic protists that descended secondarily from them by losing plastids (Cavalier-Smith 1981a).
Structural features of the amino acid sequences of Chromista
Mar 7, 2025 · In this study we identified general patterns of the nucleolin protein structure characteristic of this group - the structure of the N-terminal and central domains, including bipartite sequences that ensure nuclear localization, as well as RNA recognition motifs.
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The Chromista
The Phaeophyta are undoubtedly members of the Chromista sharing many of the characters that distinguish the group: they possess chlorophyll-a and –c, lack chlorophyll-b and possess the accessory pigment fucoxanthin, the pigment responsible for its colouration.
Reino Chromista: Datos de su creación, clasificación e importancia
Oct 27, 2020 · El reino Chromista está constituido por más de 20000 especies vivientes repartidas en 8 filos. Características, ejemplos y clasificación.
Reinos biológicos - Biogeografia.net
Las bacterias son microorganismos unicelulares (entre 0,5 y 5 micrómetros) y procariotas (sin núcleo celular definido). Es uno de los reinos más antiguos, puesto que surgió hace 3.600 millones de años. Las bacterias viven aisladas o en agregados, y tienen formas muy variadas: esferas, hélices, barras...
Kingdom Chromista and its eight phyla: a new synthesis
Sep 5, 2017 · A new derlin sequence phylogeny shows that eukaryotes ancestrally had two radically different paralogues and chromist nuclei and nucleomorphs (relict enslaved red algal nuclei) kept different red algal derlin paralogues for periplastid protein targeting.
Chromista para niños - Kiddle
Las únicas características comunes que comparten todos los cromistas son: Microalga Ochromonas mostrando dos plastos, dos flagelos, dos vacuolas y el núcleo. Una característica que diferencia a Chromista del reino Protozoa en particular, es la presencia de varios grupos y subgrupos con metabolismo fotosintético.