A Dual-domain Diffusion Model for Sparse-view CT Reconstruction
Jul 30, 2023 · Our DDDM shows significant improvement over deep-learning baseline models in both classical similarity metrics and perceptual loss, and has good generalization to untrained organs. We release our code at: https://github.com/YC-Markus/code-for-DDDM. Cite as: Chun Yang , Dian Sheng , Bo Yang , et al.
dblp: Chun Yang (disambiguation)
Chun Yang, Dian Sheng, Bo Yang, Wenfeng Zheng, Chao Liu: A Dual-Domain Diffusion Model for Sparse-View CT Reconstruction. IEEE Signal Process. Lett. 31: 1279-1283 (2024)
Chun Yang (0009-0005-6179-4451) - ORCID
ORCID record for Chun Yang. ORCID provides an identifier for individuals to use with their name as they engage in research, scholarship, and innovation activities.
PD-L1 confers glioblastoma multiforme malignancy via Ras
Here we demonstrated an oncogenic role of PD-L1 via binding and activating Ras in GBM cells. RNA-sequencing transcriptome data revealed that PD-L1 significantly altered gene expression enriched in cell growth/migration/invasion pathways in human GBM cells.
Daoism and the Immortal Lu Dong Bin: Part 1
Apr 30, 2018 · A Depiction of Lü appears with Zong Li Quan in the Hall of Purified Yang (Chun Yang Dian) at the Temple of Eternal Joy (Yong Le Gong), a Quanzhen Daoist temple in Southern Shanxi. Lü is also said to have frequently visited Yueyang Tower, overlooking Lake Dongting in Hunan Province, to drink wine.
Mechanistic Insights into Dimethylsulfoniopropionate Lyase DddY, …
Dec 8, 2017 · Here, we determined the crystal structure of DddY from the γ-proteobacterium Acinetobacter bereziniae originally isolated from human clinical specimens. This structure revealed that DddY contains a cap domain and a catalytic domain with a …
Chun-Yang LI | Shandong University, Jinan | SDU - ResearchGate
Chun-Yang Li Dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) is a marine organosulfur compound with important roles in stress protection, marine biogeochemical cycling, chemical signaling and …
The Dian Yang Lab at Columbia University
The Dian Yang lab at Columbia University studies tumor evolution by combining molecular recording technologies, cancer mouse models, and single cell genomics.
AI NI CHUN YANG KAO ROU DIAN, Kashgar - Tripadvisor
Ai Ni Chun Yang Kao Rou Dian, Kashgar: See unbiased reviews of Ai Ni Chun Yang Kao Rou Dian on Tripadvisor.
Chun-Yang Lia,1, Dian Zhanga,1, Xiu-Lan Chena, Peng Wanga, Wei-Ling Shia, Ping-Yi Lia, Xi-Ying Zhanga, Qi-Long Qina, Jonathan D. Toddc and Yu-Zhong Zhanga,b,* a Marine Biotechnology Research Center,State Key Laboratory of Microbial Technology, College of life science, Shandong University, Jinan 250100, China
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