Amoebozoa - Wikipedia
Traditionally all amoebozoa with lobose pseudopods were grouped together in the class Lobosea, placed with other amoeboids in the phylum Sarcodina or Rhizopoda, but these were …
New insights on the evolutionary relationships between the major ...
We recovered a well-resolved and supported tree of Amoebozoa, revealing novel deep level relationships and resolving placement of enigmatic lineages congruent with morphological …
28.7: Characteristics of Amoebozoa - Biology LibreTexts
Amoebozoa. The amoebozoans characteristically exhibit pseudopodia that extend like tubes or flat lobes, rather than the hair-like pseudopodia of rhizarian amoeba (Figure …
Amoebozoa - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Amoebozoa es un grupo amplio y diverso, pero ciertos caracteres son comunes a todos sus miembros. La célula se divide típicamente en una masa central granular denominada …
The Amoebozoa - PMC
Amoebozoa comprise a wide variety of amoeboid and flagellate organisms with single cells measuring from 5 μm to several meters across. They have adopted many different life styles …
Between a Pod and a Hard Test: The Deep Evolution of Amoebae
By sampling 61 taxa using culture-based and single-cell transcriptomics, our analyses show two major clades of Amoebozoa, Discosea, and Tevosa. This phylogeny refutes previous studies …
Comparative genomics in the Amoebozoa clade - PubMed
The sophisticated developmental cycles of Myxogastria and Dictyosteliida likely have a common origin and are deeply rooted in amoebozoan evolution. In this review we describe initial …
8.18F: Amoebozoa and Opisthokonta - Biology LibreTexts
Nov 23, 2024 · The Amoebozoa include several groups of unicellular amoeba-like organisms that are free-living or parasites that are classified as unikonts. The best known and most well …
Comparative genomics in the Amoebozoa clade - Glöckner - 2013 ...
Nov 8, 2012 · The sophisticated developmental cycles of Myxogastria and Dictyosteliida likely have a common origin and are deeply rooted in amoebozoan evolution. In this review we …
Amoebozoa - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
The Amoebozoa houses a diversity of amoeboid lineages with, and without, flagellated stages. It includes the pathogens Balamuthia , Acanthamoeba , and, most famously, Entamoeba …