Making the engine look clean - Subaru Impreza GC8 & RS Forum …
Jan 16, 2008 · Another option is to use or find someone with a steam cleaner. This is only necessary if the engine bay is really caked up. After that initial cleaning though regular cleanings with Simple Green will do the job. I clean my engine when I go to the car wash. I just spray the engine down with undiluted SG let it soak and then hose it off.
Featured Rides 005: Three Ultra-Clean and Swapped GC8's
Feb 24, 2020 · This week we are featuring some of the cleanest GC's we've come across in a long time, and they just happened to all be swapped and owned by a group of close friends. ...more.
Anyone ever swapped a WRX ej205 into a GD 2.5rs? : r/subaru - Reddit
Aug 6, 2018 · I've been looking for a clean gc8 to swap the motor into for a while now but clean ones are hard to come by for cheap in the northeast. So today I found a 2004 2.5rs that seems to be very clean (body) but the motor is junk and the seller is asking $500 for it.
Clean GC8 - NASIOC
Aug 25, 2002 · Clean GC8 Member's Car Gallery. Welcome to the North American Subaru Impreza Owners Club: Tuesday February 21, 2023
My clean GC8. - NASIOC
May 6, 2008 · My clean GC8. Member's Car Gallery. Welcome to the North American Subaru Impreza Owners Club: Saturday September 30, 2023
Harrison brought his clean GC8 in a for touch up tune after …
Harrison brought his clean GC8 in a for touch up tune after getting a bypass valve fitted to the exhaust. This beast is owner built, which consists of...
Engines out..Cleaning questions | Subaru Impreza GC8 & RS …
Jun 3, 2010 · Engines out..Cleaning questions Jump to Latest 1.3K views 12 replies
Idle air control valve needed a clean! : r/GC8 - Reddit
Jul 26, 2023 · Hi all, currently restoring a 1998 GC8 and it’s developed a rough idle. Took off the IACV as part of the diagnosis/repair and damn did it need a clean! Here’s some before and afters!
Pulse Racing - Clean GC8 STi’s are starting to get very... - Facebook
Clean GC8 STi’s are starting to get very rare- we had 3 very neat examples in at one time
DIY Engine Bay Detail | Subaru Impreza GC8 & RS Forum
Mar 29, 2005 · I'd recommend a normal hose, with hot water if possible.. 1. Wet-down the entire front end of your car before popping your hood, this will prevent the degreaser from eating up your paint... 2. Get a spray bottle of degreaser and cut it properly with water if necessary.
Cleaning out fuel lines? : r/GC8 - Reddit
Jan 20, 2023 · Catch the gas with a bucket that has a white towel in it to see if there is rust in the lines. If the gas is a light honey color from being old, that is okay. If it is orange then you have rust and need to replace the lines.
REQUEST: How to clean IACV. - Subaru Impreza GC8 & RS …
Jan 11, 2010 · My IACV is in serious need of some cleaning. Upon startup my car will blip really quickly and stall out. Sometimes when it's running cold the throttle will more or less stick on decel and hold the RPM's up with the clutch in.
Project GC8: Rebuilding An Engine In My Kitchen - Speedhunters
Oct 30, 2021 · Checking and crosschecking part numbers, torque settings and bearing clearances is the most important part of any engine rebuild. I measured the bearing journals of the crank as well as double-checking the thickness of the new King bearings I purchased.
That Frozen White Subaru Impreza STI - Wangan Warriors
Sep 28, 2016 · Especially when considering how much other AWD cars weight, I think the GC8 is an awesome platform to tune into a fun little track/drag car. There is no arguing that such a clean and well executed example as Nico’s is a sight to be seen even when it’s standing still.
Clean GC8 spotted at Clean Culture x ImportExpo event in …
Jun 26, 2018 · 257K subscribers in the subaru community. Where OC is the standard and boxer engines rule the world.
Maintaining Your Subaru WRX GC8 Sedan (1992-2000): A ... - Partr
Jul 16, 2023 · The Subaru WRX GC8 Sedan, produced from 1992 to 2000, is a performance-oriented vehicle cherished by many. To keep it in optimal running condition, consistent care and maintenance is key. This guide provides detailed steps to help maintain your WRX GC8 Sedan.
Cleaning up the engine bay | Subaru Impreza GC8 & RS Forum
Feb 26, 2014 · Cleaning up the engine bay Jump to Latest 5.6K views 11 replies 4 participants last post by
The GC8 Impreza WRX Mechanical Inspection - AutoInstruct
Today we carry out a full mechanical inspection on our GC8 Subaru Impreza WRX. We discuss CV Boots, Brakes, Diffs, Gearboxes and more
Automatic transmission fluid used as an engine cleaner?
Sep 11, 2010 · I just had a friend tell me that a good way to clean out a motor is to replace one of the quarts of oil with a quart of automatic transmission fluid, run it for about 100 miles, then change it while it's still hot.
GC8 8 lb. Green Clean Granular Algaecide - EasyPro Pond Products
sku: gc8 GreenClean Granular Algaecide is ideal for controlling string algae and algae blooms in ponds, waterfalls, fountains and streams. It works through oxidation and breaking down the algae cells on contact.
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