Come into the picture - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
Apr 22, 2015 · come into something: To be an aspect of a situation. Example: The argument was over artistic freedom – money never came into it. Macmillan. and. Picture: [SINGULAR] a …
What is the meaning of "come into the picture"? - Question about ...
Aug 15, 2019 · Example: Earlier this year, my girlfriend came into the picture. Example: That was before Max came into the picture. It means someone came into your life.
comes into the picture | English examples in context | Ludwig
"comes into the picture" is correct and usable in written English. It can be used when referring to things starting to become relevant or involved in a particular situation. For example: "When the …
to enter the picture [meaning] | WordReference Forums
Aug 19, 2015 · enter the picture here means get involved in the situation. I think it stems from the expression "out of the picture" (no longer involved in a situation).
come into picture | English examples in context | Ludwig
The phrase "come into picture" is correct and usable in written English. You can use it to describe a situation when something begins to play a role in a situation, such as a person or object. For …
This is where her heartfulness come into picture. come to the picture …
'To come into the picture', means that someone or something that was previously not important within a particular context, relationship, problem or issue, etc., has now become important, and …
be in the picture - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
Understand, be informed about or be involved in a particular situation or activity. For example, The new ambassador wanted to be in the picture for every event, small or large.
What is the meaning of " (to) come into the picture (to) put/keep ...
Jan 22, 2021 · Definition of (to) come into the picture (to) put/keep somebody in the picture picture (in this context) ≈ daily life “Is the father of your child still in the picture?” = Is the father of your …
come into the picture vs. come into play - English Vocabulary, …
Apr 18, 2008 · When you come into play, it means you take action. e.g. you are an active subject in the situation. When you come into the picture, you may be either a passive or active subject …
Come Into The Picture synonyms - 71 Words and Phrases for Come …
Another way to say Come Into The Picture? Synonyms for Come Into The Picture (other words and phrases for Come Into The Picture).