About Philippine Wild Pigs - Livestock Of The World
The Philippines stands out for its rich biodiversity, particularly in the realm of wild pigs, boasting an impressive four endemic species. This distinction places the Philippines in a unique position, possibly hosting the largest number of endemic wild pig species among nations.
About Essex Pigs - livestockoftheworld.com
Essex pigs are popular because they are easy and cheap to keep. The modern day Essex was developed by breeding local pigs in area denoted in the Essex area. The original Essex, also known as the Old Essex, was a small black and white pig.
About Pigs & Pig Breeds - Livestock Of The World
The Red Wattle hog, also known as the Red Wattle pig, stands as an emblem of American meat pig breeds, characterized by its striking red coat and distinctive wattles or tassels that adorn its face. These unique features set them apart in the world of swine.
About Chester White Pigs - Livestock Of The World
The Chester White is the most durable of the white breeds; it can gain as much as 1.36 pounds (0.62 kg) a day and gain one pound (0.45 kg) for every three pounds (1.4 kg) of grain it is fed. However since they are white they get sunburns easily.
About Dutch Landrace Pigs - livestockoftheworld.com
Dutch Landrace Pigs are a combination of German Landrace and Danish Landrace pigs. They are found in the southern, eastern, and northern parts of Holland. They are a meaty and efficient breed of pig.
About Grice Pigs - Livestock Of The World
Grice Pigs, also known as the Highland, Hebridean or Irish pig, are an extinct pig from Scotland and Ireland. They became extinct, surviving longest in the Shetland Isles, where they disappeared in the late nineteenth century.
About Idaho Pasture Pigs - Livestock Of The World
Idaho Pasture Pigs (also known as IPPs) were developed from Duroc, Old Berkshire, and Kunekune pigs. They are grazing pigs and are very gentle, have great personalities, are easy to work with, and are smaller than traditional pig, like the Large White, while still reaching a butcher weight of about 200 - 250 pounds in 9 - 10 months eating ...
Buffalo | Breeds of Livestock - Livestock Of The World
Water buffalo have a distinctive appearance, with long, curved horns that are set wide apart on their head, a shaggy mane of hair on the neck, and a large hump on their shoulders. They have a stocky build and a thick, shaggy coat that helps to keep them cool in their native warm climates.
About Norwegian Landrace Pigs - Livestock Of The World
Norwegian Landrace Pigs are the leading breed of swine in Norway. They are white and have a heavy drooped ear. Since swine are not as numerous in Norway as in most countries that have a registered strain, the number registered each year is limited.
About Choctaw Hog Pigs - Livestock Of The World
Choctaw Hog are domestic pig raised by Native Americans for meat. Unfortunately there are only a few hundred left and are considered critically rare. Choctaw hogs are black, sometimes with white markings, and grow to about 120 pounds.