GSA 889 Representations Tool
Check to see if an entity has a section 889 representation in SAM.gov . Search by business name, website, CAGE code, or SAM.gov Unique Entity ID (UEI)
NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION ACT (NDAA) SECTION 889 REPRESENTATION For additional information see: https://www.acquisition.gov/FAR-Case-2019-009/889_Part_B 1. …
889 Representations Search
Use GSA’s Representations Search and the Department of Defense’s Contracting Assistant for Awards and Micro-Purchases (CAAMP) Bot to check Section 889 representations.
- [PDF]
Section 889 - GSA
Determine through reasonable inquiry whether you use “covered telecommunications” equipment or services. 1. Education. Educate your purchasing/procurement, and materials management professionals to ensure they are familiar with the entity’s compliance plan. 1. Cost of Removal.
6-2. GPC Purchasing Process - Acquisition.GOV
Mar 17, 2025 · Use the GSA Easy Search Tool, 889 Bot, Sam.gov, or a vendor’s signed 889 form. If vendor is not registered in SAM.gov, ask vendor to complete an 889 form. If vendor is not 889 compliant, find another vendor.
Section 889 Policies - Acquisition.GOV
Aug 13, 2019 · DoD, GSA, and NASA issued multiple rules amending the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) to implement section 889 of the John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 (Pub. L. 115-232).
Section 889? See GSA's 889 Part A Q&As Part B - Government Contractors Cannot Use Prohibited Telecom Part B is effective August 13, 2020. Part B prohibits the government from contracting with any entity that uses certain telecommunications equipment or services produced by the entities listed in the statute. The Government cannot contract with an
Micro-Purchase NDAA Section 889 Representation
Use this form when engaging in transactions with the US Government that require compliance with NDAA Section 889. It is applicable when your organization provides supplies or services that may involve covered telecommunications equipment.
TrophyKits.com - Form 889
Sep 1, 2024 · In order to offer an efficient method in providing form NDAA Section 889 to U.S. Government purchasers, we have provided pre-filled forms for download. Three versions of the form are available.
The National Defense Authorization Act of 2019 (Section 889) requires federal government purchase cardholders to obtain assurance from merchants that merchants are not using telecommunications equipment, systems, or services produced by Huawei Technologies Company or ZTE Corporation, (or any subsidiary or affiliate of these companies); or video...
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