Germany Area Code and Germany Country Code
Instantly get the Germany country code and German area codes to help you make your international call to Germany. Our complete resource of area & country codes will help you make your call to Berlin and other German cities.
How to call London United Kingdom from Canada
Learn how to call London United Kingdom from Canada. Plus, our complete resource guide give you the UK country code, London area codes, area codes, and United Kingdom dialing codes to help you make your international call.
Area Code Reverse Lookup for country code 57
If you have received a telephone call or number to call from country code 57, then the country from which that call originated is Colombia. This reverse phone lookup information helps you get specific dialing instructions from your country to Colombia below.
Area Code Reverse Lookup for country code 212
If you have received a telephone call or number to call from country code 212, then the country from which that call originated is Morocco. This reverse phone lookup information helps you get specific dialing instructions from your country to Morocco below.
International Country Calling Codes and World Time Zones
Find the international dialing code or time zone for any country. Online tool will instantly show you ALL telephone prefixes needed to call from one area code to another. Add the tool to your own site for quick access.
Indonesia Area Code and Indonesia Country Code
Instantly get the Indonesia country code and Indonesian area codes to help you make your international call to Indonesia. Our complete resource of area & country codes will help you make your call to Jakarta and other Indonesian cities.
Area Code Reverse Lookup for country code 852
If you have received a telephone call or number to call from country code 852, then the country from which that call originated is Hong Kong. This reverse phone lookup information helps you get specific dialing instructions from your country to Hong Kong below.
How to call Australia from South Africa - CountryCallingCodes
Learn how to call Australia from South Africa. Plus, our complete resource guide gives you the Australian country code, area codes, area codes, and Australia dialing codes to help you make your international call.
Country Calling Codes - How to call Hungary from United States
Learn how to call Hungary from United States. Out complete resource guide gives you the Hungary country code & American dialing code to make your international calls.
Country Calling Codes - How to call the US (United States) from …
Learn how to call the United States from South Korea. Our complete resource guide gives you the US country code & US dialing code .