Golden Rules when logging CPOMS entries (Reminders, Use of Language & good practice examples. 1. Introduction & Key Reminders It is vital that concerns are recorded and reported accurately by all staff, (including visitors, and staff not directly employed by the school, e.g. contractors and third-party
CPOMS: A teacher's guide - Structural Learning
Apr 12, 2022 · CPOMS is used to identify the need for additional support from external agencies, such as health visitors, speech therapists, social workers, and pastoral carers. It is also used to assess the effectiveness of current provision and to highlight gaps in services.
When reporting on Categories in CPOMS, beneath it you can choose to focus on ‘Any’, ‘All’ or ‘Exclude’. ‘Any’, the report will bring up incidents assigned to any of the chosen categories. ‘All’, the report will bring up incidents that are assigned to all of the chosen categories.
New categories can be added to CPOMS by an Admin Key Holder in school. Step 1 – Navigate to the ‘Admin’ area, and click on the ‘Categories’ tab. Click on the ‘New Category’ button to the right-hand side of the page.
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CPOMS Form Builder
Custom Fields can be added to CPOMS by a CPOMS Admin Key Holder to your:- Incident, Action and Student forms. This may be an additional drop-down list for the ‘Location’ of an incident i.e. Playground, Classroom, Toilets,
What do you record on CPOMS/Safeguarding system? : r/TeachingUK - Reddit
Oct 14, 2023 · Both examples given are safeguarding concerns and can be part of a bigger picture, which is why such incidents should be logged on CPOMS, etc. The pastoral team will be able to see if there is a pattern and escalate as appropriate.
CPOMS | The Meadows School
The Meadows School uses CPOMS (Child Protection Online Management System) to monitor all Safeguarding, well-being and pastoral issues. Prior to accessing CPOMS please refer to: CPOMS
Incidents of self-harm should be logged on, for example, on CPOMS in schools, other multi-agency partners to ensure they are logging incidents and notifying relevant partners. Below is an example of a form that could be used.
An overview of the CPOMS system and its capabilities. How Abbeyfield School have adapted the way in which we use CPOMS to work for us. How the use of CPOMS has supported the development of...
CPOMS Introduction for Staff - Hook Junior School
All safeguarding incidents are recorded and managed in CPOMS, a safeguarding and child protection management system for schools. All staff have been granted access to CPOMS and you must complete a registration process before you can use CPOMS to …