Cracids are large, blunt-winged birds with long, broad tails. Many species have ornaments (crests or casques) on the head or bill. Cracids are mostly forest dwelling arboreal birds. Unlike many other taxa within Galliformes, many cracids provide parental care to young.
Cracidae - Wikipedia
The chachalacas, guans, and curassows are birds in the family Cracidae. These are species of tropical and subtropical Central and South America. The range of one species, the plain chachalaca, just reaches southernmost parts of Texas in the United States.
Conserving Cracids: the Most Threatened Family of Birds in the …
All signs from the field indicated that Cracidae populations were in serious decline throughout the Neotropics as a result of the twin threats of hunting and habitat destruction. Few international ornithologists or conservationists were paying attention, meanwhile, while at least one species went extinct in the wild (Strahl 1990, Strahl and ...
Systematic notes on the bird family Cracidae. No. 9, The genus Crax
Crax, Cracidae, Birds, Crax -- Classification, Cracidae -- Classification, Birds -- Latin America -- Classification Publisher New York, N.Y. : American Museum of Natural History Collection americanmuseumnaturalhistory; biodiversity Contributor American Museum of Natural History Library Language English Rights
Cracidae - tolweb.science.oregonstate.edu
A vicariant hypothesis for the speciation of curassows (Aves, Cracidae) based on mitocondrial DNA phylogeny.
Cracidae | Phurukuna Foundation
Our main attention goes out to Cracidae: chachalaca’s, guans and curassows. Birds that inhabit the jungles and mountains in Middle- and South America. They extend from Central Mexico to the south of Uruguay and northern Argentina.
Systematic notes on the bird family Cracidae. No. 10, The genera …
American Museum novitates ; no. 2307 Systematic notes on the bird family Cracidae. No. 10, The genera Mitu and Pauxi and the generic relationships of the Cracini.
Cracidae – Variety of Life
Rufous-vented chachalaca Ortalis ruficauda, photographed by Steve Garvie. Belongs within: Galliformes. The Cracidae are a Neotropical family of gamebirds including the chachalacas, curassows and guans. Many cracids have heads with brightly coloured wattles or skin patches.
The Cracidae – Chachalacas, Guans and Curassows The Cracidae or cracids are a bird family group of ancient origin going back perhaps some 50 million years and currently inhabiting parts of South and Central America.
Cracidae chachalacas, curassows, and guans. ... Additional support has come from the Marisla Foundation, UM College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, Museum of Zoology, and Information and Technology Services. The ADW Team gratefully acknowledges their support. ...
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