how to generate a pdf file with VB.net? - Stack Overflow
Aug 25, 2009 · Word can export as pdf: Dim doc As Word.Document = New Word.Document() doc.Content.Text = "Hello World" doc.ExportAsFixedFormat("C:\mypath\myfilename.pdf", Word.WdExportFormat.wdExportFormatPDF) doc.Close(False)
.net - Best C# API to create PDF - Stack Overflow
I have used iText# with success in .NET C# 3.5; it is a port of the open source Java library for PDF generation and it's free. There is a NuGet package available for iTextSharp version 5 and the official developer documentation , as well as C# examples , can be found at itextpdf.com
Generate pdf from HTML in div using Javascript - Stack Overflow
Jun 16, 2020 · Most servers will be fine with low enough traffic. Here is code sample but this must run on the BACKEND. Nodejs. Also it's slow call, it's resources intensive call. You should run it NOT on api call but e.g. after invoice was created - create pdf for it and store, if pdf was not generated yet, just show message to try again in couple minutes.
javascript - How to create pdf file in node js - Stack Overflow
Aug 4, 2016 · I am creating an application in node.js utilizing the sails framework. I want to create a report in PDF format. The report needs to contain a chart generated using chart.js. The data is fetched from
Generate PDF from HTML PHP - Stack Overflow
Aug 9, 2013 · EDIT : Found another solution for it, TCPDF is a FLOSS PHP class for generating PDF documents. Looks more dominating library. "PRINCEXML" is a good library (not completely free now). Others: If your meaning is to create a PDF file from PHP, pdflib will help you (as some other suggested).
How to create large PDF files (10MB, 50MB, 100MB, 200MB, …
May 2, 2022 · One possibility is, if you are familiar with PDF format: Create some simply PDF with one page (Page should be contained within one object) Copy object multiply times; Add references to the copied objects to the page catalog; Fix xref table; You get an valid document of any size, entire file will be processed by a reader.
Creating a new PDF document using PDFBOX API - Stack Overflow
Jun 28, 2016 · The labor movement led efforts to stop child labor, give health benefits and provide aid to workers who were injured or retired."} }; //these static global variables are instantiated allowing dynamic updates static Float insideRight = 0f; static Float insideLeft = 0f; static Float insideTop = 0f; static Float insideBottom = 0f; static Float ...
Convert PDF to PDF/A3 or PDF/A-1 to PDF/A-3 - Stack Overflow
Dec 11, 2015 · If a PDF contains Fonts, it's automatically a PDF/A?, isn't it? How do you program this? I can't use PDFCopy from PDF to a PDF/A File? At the moment I am going to create my.xml-file without C#. So my task is it to attach the created .XML File to a regular PDF. As you mentioned, I need PDF/A-3 for this. So I need to convert this regular PDF.
Generate PDF through Google App Script - Stack Overflow
Jul 8, 2018 · The linked code adds a menu entry to the UI, so the user only needs to click in one cell and then select the 'Create PDF' menu option. I want to make some changes, in order to meet my needs. My context is: User chooses one option in each in-cell drop-down list, respectively found in C3, C5, C7 and C9. These choices trigger filters in my sheet;
Generating PDF file in .NET - Stack Overflow
Aug 7, 2009 · The same drawing routines can be used to create PDF documents, draw on the screen, or send >output to any printer. MigraDoc Foundation the Open Source .NET library that easily creates documents based on an object model with >paragraphs, tables, styles, etc. and renders them into PDF, XPS, or RTF. Here are the main differences.