Crested oarfish - Wikipedia
The crested oarfish (Lophotus lacepede) is a species of crestfish in the family Lophotidae. It is an oceanodromous fish ranging from waters 0–92 meters deep, but may get stranded in shallow …
Lophotus lacepede, Crested oarfish - FishBase
Head and body silvery in color and possibly with silvery spots; fins red (Ref. 4165). A rare (Ref. 4165), oceanic, mesopelagic species. Occasionally stranded in shallow water (Ref. 9563). …
Why are Oarfish Known as Doomsday Fish? - Ocean Conservancy
Nov 8, 2023 · The giant oarfish (Regalecus glesne) is a quintessential example of just that. This strikingly large, odd-looking fish is known for its distinctively long, ribbon-shaped body that …
Crested oarfish (Lophotus lacepede) | adriaticnature
Jul 15, 2018 · Crested oarfish (Lophotus lacepede) was first described in 1809 by the Italian zoologist Michel-Esprit Giorna. It is a bathypelagic species. It inhabits the depths of up to 92 …
Lophotus - Wikipedia
Lophotus is a genus of crestfishes with these currently recognized species: [1] ^ Froese, Rainer; Pauly, Daniel (eds.). "Species in genus Lophotus". FishBase. April 2012 version.
Crested Oarfish (Lophotus lacepede) - iNaturalist
The crested oarfish (Lophotus lacepede), is a species of crestfish in the family Lophotidae, and is a oceanodromous fish ranging from waters 0–92 meters deep, but may get stranded in …
The Crested Oarfish, Lophotus lacepedei, from Florida; First Record for the Western North Atlantic COLEMAN J. GOIN and DONALD S. ERDMAN HILE gigging fishes in shallow water …
DSG - Lophotus lacepede
Alternate names: crested oarfish. Author: Giorna, 1809. Click here for a larger image. Taxonomy: Eukaryota (superkingdom) Animalia (kingdom) Chordata (phylum) Vertebrata (subphylum) …
Crested Oarfish (Lophotus lacepede) - Marine Life Identification
The Crested Oarfish (Lophotus lacepede) is a remarkable creature that enchants those lucky enough to encounter it. As one of the longest fishes in the world,
CRESTED OARFISH | Bycatch Management Information System …
CRESTED OARFISH CRESTED OARFISH. BMIS Information Menu. About BMIS; RFMOs; Bycatch Species Groups . About Species Groups; Fishing Gear; More Resources …