Crop weed - Wikipedia
Crop weeds are weeds that grow amongst crops. Despite the potential for some crop weeds to be used as a food source, many can also prove harmful to crops, both directly and indirectly. Crop weeds can inhibit the growth of crops, contaminate harvested crops and often spread rapidly.
Take the worry out of weed control - Farm Progress
19 hours ago · Crop rotation by itself is a cultural method for suppressing weeds, but it allows for alternative weed-management options to help create an environment where weeds aren’t able to thrive. Find out more information about weed management from NDSU Extension and the G.R.O.W. network.
Journal of Crop and Weed
Oct 2, 2023 · The Journal of Crop and Weed a NAAS rated, indexed and abstracted at CABI, is an official publication of the Crop and Weed Science Society (CWSS).
Pest and Weed Management | Home - USDA
USDA provides technology to manage pest populations below economic damage thresholds by integrating strategies that are based on increased understanding of the biology and ecology of insect, mite, and weed pests.
Agronomic Crop Weed Management | Penn State Extension
Looking for advice on agronomic crops weed management? Find information about weed control and herbicide application in corn, grain, soybeans, and more.
Viewpoint: Challenging the agricultural misinformation zealots ...
1 day ago · Herbicide-tolerant crops allow for more efficient weed control, reducing labor costs and improving crop uniformity. However, the economic advantages can vary significantly between small and large ...
Still don’t think you need integrated weed management?
IWM involves using herbicides with different modes of action and multiple application timings in the same season, and utilizing cultural practices that enhance the competitiveness of the crop. The need to diversify weed management programs and protect the value of glyphosate became a consistent message of extension weed scientists soon after ...
Mid-Atlantic Field Crop Weed Management Guide - Penn State …
Get strategies and peruse herbicide tables for managing weeds in corn, sorghum, soybeans, small grains, and forages.
Auto Weeders Becoming Potent New Tools in Vegetable Fields
2 days ago · The recent loss of Dacthal was a blow to weed control programs in vegetable crops such as onion and brassica crops like Bok Choi. Vegetable crops need more options for effective weed control programs to maintain producer profitability. There may be potential herbicide alternatives for vegetable crops, and we should continue to …
The value of a program approach to weed - Farm Progress
5 days ago · Rotate crops. Use chemistries with different modes of action. Consider cover crops that vary the competition among weeds, bacteria and microorganisms. Log on to Corteva.us or call your local Corteva Agriscience representative, who has the corn solutions you need. 1 Telenko, D. 2019. Applied Research in Field Crop Pathology for Indiana – 2019.
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