Classification & Control Markings - Astro UXDS
The background colors for the banner components are based on the traditional Pantone colors used in the relevant Standard Form labels for SF 706 through SF 712 with the new addition of the purple CUI color from SF-902.
To determine if unclassified information in your document is CUI, check the information against the DoD CUI Registry. Does it potentially fit within a category of CUI? The CUI designation indicator block. Do not add “UNCLASSIFIED” before “CUI.” Do not add the CUI category to the top and bottom of the page.
IAW DODI 5200.48, use the the acronym "CUI" in the Banner/Footer. All documents containing CUI must have a CUI Designation Indicator or DI Block to notify the recipient about information related to who originated the document, the category of the CUI, and any LDCs if applicable.
CUI Coversheet and Labels - CUI Program Blog
Feb 12, 2019 · There’s a completely new look on the horizon for the identification of CUI products. One part involves the individual document(s); the other involves all the other media forms. Also, the color for the new forms is purple, and thus it will …
What is the CUI Registry? Provides an official list of the categories used to identify the various types of CUI. What information requires safeguarding controls? Information the Government creates or possesses that is protected by law, regulation, or government-wide policy.
Check the unclassified information in your document against the CUI Registry.
Classification Color Code – CYBER INTEL SYSTEMS
All text content (left, middle, right) and color (text, background) are customizable. CICBv2 allows you to turn off the left text by unchecking those 6 checkboxes above. NOTICE: According to CI Policy Publications Update (dodcui.mil), the CUI is not a CNSI classification.
Labels – CUI Supply
Slight variation in color (CUI PURPLE) is possible in the actual product due to light used in photography or your screen resolution. Meet MP.L2-3.8.4 by Marking CUI Media with the Generic 906 - Generic CUI labels for Flash Drives (without "U.S. Government Property").
The CUI Control Marking is mandatory for all CUI and may consist of either the word “CONTROLLED” or the acronym “CUI” (at the designator’s discretion). As an optional best practice, the CUI Banner Marking may be placed at the bottom of the document as well.
The key to correctly identifying unclassified information as CUI is ensuring it aligns with a CUI category in the DoD CUI Registry. Is the information unclassified? Does the information fall within a law, regulation, or government -wide policy?
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