Cycas: Distribution, Morphology and Reproduction| Cycadales
In the centre of the cone is present a cone axis (Fig. 8.32). Several perpendicularly attached microsporophyll’s are arranged around the cone axis in closely set spirals. At the base of male cone are present many young leaves.
Cycas - Wikipedia
Cycas is a genus of cycad, and the only genus in the family Cycadaceae with all other genera of cycad being divided between the Stangeriaceae and Zamiaceae families. Cycas circinalis, a species endemic to India, was the first cycad species to be described in western literature, and is the type species of the genus. [4][5]
Cycad cones – reproduction of the world’s oldest seed plants
Sep 3, 2015 · Cycads are dioecious, so cycad cones are either male or female. Botanically speaking, the male cone is a microsporophyll and the female cone is a megasporophyll. If you wish to produce your own offspring, you will need a male and female of …
Cycas – Morphology, Anatomy and Reproduction - Biology Notes …
Oct 8, 2024 · Central to the cone is the cone axis, around which several microsporophylls are arranged in tightly spiraled formations. These microsporophylls are perpendicularly attached and facilitate the development of male gametes.
Cycas Female Cone | EasyBiologyClass
Cycas Female Cone. ♣ NO definite female cone or strobilus is produced in Cycas (no cone axis). ♣ Female strobilus in Cycas is an aggregation of spirally arranged megasporophylls. ♣ The megasporophylls of Cycas resemble foliage leaves.
Cycas Male Cone | EasyBiologyClass
Cycas Male Cone. Cycas Reproduction Notes Part 5: Vegetative & Sexual Reproduction in Cycas with Diagram. Structure of Male Cone, Microsporophyll & Microspores or Pollen Grains.
Cycas - Characteristics, Classification, Morphology, Reproduction ...
Jul 31, 2023 · The male cone of Cycas is the largest in the plant kingdom. The microspores are haploid and produced by meiosis in microspore mother cells. Microspores develop into male gametophytes, which are reduced and are called pollen grains.
Male Cone of Cycas and Pinus | Gymnosperms - Biology …
Learn about the comparison between Male Cone of Cycas and Male Cone of Pinus. Comparison # Male Cone of Cycas: 1. Rare and develop only on male plants. Cycas is dioecious. 2. Cycas is terminal in position.
Cycas: Distribution, Reproduction and Economic Importance
Cycas is sporophytic and strictly dioecious i.e., male and female sex organs are borne on separate plants. Male Reproductive Organs: Male plant of cycas produces every year a single male cone (Fig. 1B) at its apex.
Cycas - Reproduction - BrainKart
The male plant of Cycas produces male strobilus (cone) at the apex of the stem in between the crown of foliage leaves. Each male cone is a shortly stalked compact, oval or conical woody structure. It is 40-80 cm in length, perhaps the largest among plants.