Cycas: Distribution, Morphology and Reproduction| Cycadales
Cycas leaf is very large and may reach up to 3 metres in length in some species such as C. thouarsii. Two rows of pinnae on the leaves may be alternate or opposite. The number of pinnae varies in different species. As many as hundred pairs of pinnae may be present in a mature leaf.
Cycas - Wikipedia
Cycas is a genus of cycad, and the only genus in the family Cycadaceae with all other genera of cycad being divided between the Stangeriaceae and Zamiaceae families. Cycas circinalis, a species endemic to India, was the first cycad species to be described in western literature, and is the type species of the genus. [4][5]
Cycas – Morphology, Anatomy and Reproduction - Biology Notes …
Oct 8, 2024 · Leaf and Girdle Traces: Scattered leaf traces in the cortex represent the vascular supply to the leaves, while girdle traces connect vascular tissue from the main vascular cylinder to the leaves.
Cycas Leaflet Diagram - EasyBiologyClass
Anatomy of Cycas Leaflet. Ø Cycas leaflet is with distinct midrib and lateral wings. Mid-rib is swollen and the wings are flattened. Margins of the leaves are revolute (curved downward) in Cycas revoluta. Ø Anatomically, the leaf is differentiated into: § Upper Epidermis § Hypodermis § Mesophyll § Vascular Tissue § Lower Epidermis
Cycas: External Features and Different Parts - Biology Discussion
In this article we will discuss about Cycas:- 1. External Features of Cycas 2. Anatomy of Different Parts of Cycas 3. Reproductive Structures. External Features of Cycas: 1. Sporophytic plant body attains a height of 8 to 15 feet or more and appears like a small palm. 2. The plant body is differentiated into roots, stem and leaves (Fig. 1). 3.
Cycas • Most widely distributed tree of Cycadales • Confined to tropical and subtropical countries. • Countries- China, Japan, Australia, Africa, Nepal, Bangladesh, Burma, India. • India- Assam, Orissa, Meghalaya, Andaman and Nicobar, Karnataka, Tamil …
Morphology of Cycas
Feb 1, 2025 · Cycas plant has dimorphic and pinnately compound leaves. They are large and long, arranged into a crown at the top. Leaves are assimilatory in function and often alternate with scale leaves.
Anatomy of Cycas (With Diagram) | Gymnosperms | Botany
Leaflet of Cycas is characterized by conspicuous xerophytic features. An epidermis of thick-walled, highly cuticularized cells with sunken stomata, confined to the undersurface; 1-2 layered hypodermis of highly cutinized and lignified cells.
Cycas - Characteristics, Classification, Morphology, Reproduction ...
Jul 31, 2023 · Leaves form a crown at the top of the stem. There are two types of leaves found in Cycas: foliage leaves and scaly leaves. The scaly leaves are small and brown in color. They have a protective function, shielding reproductive structures and the shoot apex. The scaly leaves alternate with the foliage leaves.
Cycas: Occurrence, Morphological Features and Economic Importance
Leaves are dimorphic i.e. 2 types, assimilatory or foliage leaves and scaly leaves or cataphylls. Both the leaf types are born at the stem apex in alternate spirals. Foliage leaves are large (1 -3 m), green, pinnately compound. Petiole has 2 rows …
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