Gnostic Insights – Gnostic Wisdom Shared and Simply Explained
Mar 8, 2025 · The following episodes form Cyd's most recent book. Here you will discover a fresh, living Gnostic Gospel for today's world. This is Christian gnosis made as clear and simple as possible for your edification and enlightenment. These episodes were recorded between July and November of 2022.
About Us – Gnostic Insights
Dr. Cyd Ropp has been a trusted voice online since launching her “Simple Explanation” philosophy-of-science blog in 2010. In 2018, Dr. Ropp added a second blog called “A New Gnostic Gospel,” focusing on the Gnostic philosophy and theology gleaned from the Nag Hammadi scrolls.
Cyd Ropp - Gnostic Insights - LinkedIn
Specialties: Ancient Gnosticism, cosmology, rhetorical analysis, Gestalt psychotherapy, Jungian dream analysis, small group dynamics, interpersonal communication, midwifery practices, cultural...
- Connections: 167
- Location: Gnostic Insights
My Interview with Cyd Ropp, PhD - Autonomy Now:
Oct 11, 2021 · Dr. Cyd Ropp, PhD, is an author, speaker, and a Gnostic sage of the first order. She holds degrees in Psychology, Education, Counseling and a PhD in Classical Rhetoric (the study of ancient manuscripts).
Home – Gnostic Insights
Gnosis involves remembering the origin of consciousness and creation. The who, what, when, where, and why of everything. The host of this podcast site is Dr. Cyd Ropp, a self-described Gnostic Christian. Cyd’s approach to Gnosticism is unique.
My 2nd Interview with Cyd Ropp, Ph.D – Autonomy Now:
Oct 12, 2023 · Here's another great interview with Cyd Ropp Ph.D, creator of the podcast Gnostic Insights and author of a new book, A Simple Explanation of the Gnostic Gospel of the Tripartite Tractate. You may also listen to the interview, or read a …
Cyd Ropp - Academia.edu
Independent researcher and philosopher. Creator of the Simple Explanation of Absolutely Everything T.O.E. blog. Ph.D. in Classical Rhetoric. Attempting to revive the Gnostic Gospel that was excised from Judaism and Christianity. To that end, I have launched a podcast called Gnostic Insights at www.gnosticinsights.com wit...see more.
Cyd Ropp - ResearchGate
Cyd Ropp Gnosticism is the forerunner of the modern Christian faith. As such, a better understanding of the figure of the Christ is essential to understanding both Gnosticism and...
Cyd Ropp - Substack
The Simple Gnostic Gospel Illuminated from the Tripartite Tractate of the Nag Hammadi. Christianity as it was meant to be. A true-believer.
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