Length of time to get a DEA number? | Student Doctor Network
Nov 28, 2012 · There's some confusion over this because in most states you have to get a state control number before you can even apply for DEA. Some states process quick, but several …
How do you get a DEA number? | Student Doctor Network
Aug 6, 2006 · even if a pathologist did go to the trouble of getting a DEA number so they could write scripts, they probably shouldn't. G-d forbid, you write a friend a script for ____ and they …
how can i look up my DEA number? | Student Doctor Network
May 17, 2006 · Medical students don't have DEA numbers. However, given that you most likely have not changed your status, I assume you are now a resident. Do you have your own DEA # …
DEA Number | Student Doctor Network
Aug 20, 2018 · "The DEA strongly opposes the use of a DEA registration number for any purpose other than the one for which it was intended, to provide certification of registration in …
Question about DEA Number | Student Doctor Network
Jun 24, 2005 · With my NPI number, any pharmacy should be able to look up my DEA number (as far as I know). I'm always careful to put down the correct # for any pharmacy to call if they …
Quick question on DEA license application - Student Doctor …
Jan 16, 2018 · And if you have multiple states you practice in or even multiple jobs that occupy a notable amount of time, you need a different DEA number. If you only have one job, you move …
DEA registration delays? | Student Doctor Network
Mar 4, 2021 · Yes the DEA is federal but you don’t get a “federal” number where you can practice eveyrwheee - you need a change to every single state you are practicing in. So while the …
DEA number | Student Doctor Network
Jan 24, 2011 · Just to clarify, the DEA number you get will allow you to write controlled substance prescriptions "in town"; however, can only be used while "performing duties" as a military …
Changing DEA "fee exempt" to "fee paid" - Student Doctor …
Oct 5, 2004 · Well, I just looked over the DEA application site, and it looks to me like you can just renew it. In order to get fee exempt status, there's an extra step involved, so it appears you …
can u write scripts to walgreens/cvs/etc w/o dea number?
Oct 10, 2008 · Many will not accept an institutional DEA #. If your friends in Cali have a full and unrestricted license, a DEA and are writing for narcs, the pharmacies need the DEA number. …