Scam communications | DLA Piper
Phone calls, letters, emails and texts from scammers/ fraudsters can seem legitimate and convincing so it's important to be vigilant and keep an eye out for anything suspicious. Become familiar with some of the more common scams and the …
Website disclaimer | DLA Piper
If you believe you have been the recipient of a scam communication, please do not respond. Instead, contact [email protected] or your DLA Piper contact at a known telephone number.
Scam communications | DLA Piper Global Law Firm
Become familiar with some of the more common scams and the tips on how to keep yourself secure listed below. If you receive any communication purporting to be from DLA Piper or any of our partners or employees about which you are uncertain or suspicious, do not respond and particularly do not provide personal or confidential information.
DLA Piper Becomes Latest Target in Email Scam Surge - Law.com
May 30, 2019 · According to a statement by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA), emails falsely claiming to have come from two DLA Piper lawyers were sent out after a third party's systems were...
Law firm Latham says scammers are impersonating Paris partner in …
Nov 1, 2023 · International law firm Latham & Watkins has asked for a federal court order to stop unidentified cyber criminals from using domain names similar to its own to attempt to defraud clients and others.
DLA Piper lawyers in the UK are targeted in email scam - ABA Journal
Jun 4, 2019 · The scammers created email addresses that appeared to be from DLA Piper. The fake addresses were [email protected] and [email protected]. The law firm uses the domain name @dlapiper.com.
A Lawyer's Email Account Was Compromised—And I Fell for a Phishing Scam
Jan 9, 2020 · Last May, Legal Week reported on a scam involving two phony DLA Piper email addresses used in an attempt to persuade an entity to transfer funds into a fraudulent bank account. Law firms also...
Do Not Fall Down the Rabbit Hole of a Law Firm Data Breach
The attack was initiated in DLA Piper’s Ukraine office where an administrator, with administrator privileges, mistakenly clicked on an “update” to an accounting software that the Ukraine office used. This “update” was, in fact, a phishing scam that contained malware.
DLA Piper Named as Defendant in Billionaire Fraud Case - Law.com
Aug 2, 2023 · Documents held by DLA Piper have been stripped of legal professional privilege by London's High Court, in a potential fraud case involving former client Harvey Boulter, the controversial...
DLA Piper Name Used As Bait In Fake Lawyer Phishing Scam
The scam involved sending emails with a domain name that closely resembled the firm's and using actual DLA Piper attorneys' names, the SRA said. The firm's real domain is dlapiper.com and the...