DMU 600 P (FD) - 5-axis milling - DMG MORI USA
Machine bed, column and crossbeam from EN-GJS-600-3 with excellent damping characteristics; Large dimensions with high temperature stability
Portal Series - 5-axis milling - DMG MORI USA
Universal machining center for 5-axis machining. These 5-axis machines with a highly stable portal design offer maximum precision with a machine accuracy of up to 8 µm and highest dynamics with up to 60,000 mm/min feed speed.
DMU 600 Gantry linear - 5-axis milling - DMG MORI USA
NEW: in version 2.0 complex turning contours are possible (currently only available on the DMU 50, other machine types will follow)
Gantry Series - 5-axis milling - DMG MORI USA
The DMU Gantry series impressively combines the machining of large workpieces with maximum dynamics. Operators of various industries like model making, automotive and aerospace industry as well as in the energy sector benefit from this. Thanks to 5-axis machining with up to 30,000 rpm, even complex and very heavy parts can be processed ...
XXL gantry for dynamic finishing - DMG MORI USA
Feb 1, 2016 · DMG MORI sets new standards in dynamics and surface qualities in large part machining with the new DMU 600 Gantry linear. Direct drive technology in all axes enables highly dynamic finishing processes with absolute contour accuracy.
Productively and sustainably into the future of manufacturing
Jan 8, 2025 · In the XXL Factory, visitors can experience the assembly of high-end machining centers such as the DMU 600 P and DMC 340 FD µPrecision live. With the DMU 60 eVo 2. Generation, DMG MORI is setting new standards in 5-axis universal machining and a milestone for precision and productivity.
Milling workpieces: Finding the right milling machine - DMG MORI …
May 23, 2024 · Additionally, there are the DMP 70 compact machining center and the DMU 600 P and DMU 600 Gantry XXL machines with several meters of travel. The process is characterized by the milling tool with geometrically defined cutting edges and a …
The right machine for every die and mold requirement - DMG …
Sep 19, 2017 · The XXL portfolio also includes the DMU 600 P for workpieces up to 3,000 x 6,000 mm and 40,000 kg. But also the smaller DMU 210 P and DMU 340 P, in the 3-axis as well as the 5-axis models enjoy great popularity in the car industry for the production of fittings.
5-Axis CNC Machines - DMG MORI USA
The DMU eVo, DMU monoBLOCK, and DMU duoBLOCK machines are among the classics in DMG MORI’s 5-axis range. The latter two series also offer DMC models with pallet changer for setup parallel to production time.
CTS - Central Tool Storage - DMG MORI USA
DMU 600 P (FD) DMC 210 U (FD) DMC 270 U (FD) DMC 340 U (FD) ULTRASONIC 200 Gantry . ULTRASONIC 210 P . CTS Wheel. x . x available * depending on the connected device. NHX 4000.