Technology - Des Moines University
External USB Hard Drive - An external USB hard drive is useful for data backups and transferring files between computers. We recommend regularly backing up your data so your important personal files will remain intact in case of hard drive failure in the computer.
Information Technology Services | Des Moines University
Information Technology Services connects the Des Moines University Medicine and Health Sciences community, fostering a dynamic environment for teaching and learning and enabling faculty, staff and students to harness the full potential of cutting-edge technology.
MyDMU - De Montfort University
myDMU is a personalised portal and mobile app designed to support De Montfort University (DMU) students while they study. The portal gives you access to up-to-the minute university information and access to a range of key services including LearningZone , …
14 Best USB Flash Drives (2025): Pen Drives, Thumb Drives, …
4 days ago · Also known as thumb drives or memory sticks, flash drives provide storage to back up precious photos, play movies on the big screen, or copy files from one phone or laptop to another. They are...
Getting Started With Technology at DMU | Des Moines University
Information Technology Services is here to help you find answers to your questions about using technology at Des Moines University. If you need additional assistance, visit the Solutions Hub on the second floor of Edge of Advancement or search the Solutions Hub knowledge base for help with common questions.
IT, printing and media support - De Montfort University
To access the DMU Student IT induction, please visit the relevant pages on the DMU Library website. This induction covers a range of IT topics including how to access My DMU, your student email, Blackboard virtual learning environment.
EndNote 21: Desktop: BackUp Your Library - Des Moines University
Save a compressed library to an external hard drive, a flash drive, or your M: drive at DMU. Do not back up any files to a cloud syncing folder such as OneDrive, iCloud, GoogleDrive, etc. EndNote: Moving, backing up, or transferring libraries to another computer
Use your laptop or computer to access a specific software via ...
Remember to save your work to your student networked H-drive or OneDrive. If you are accessing design, video editing or audio software, we advise accessing YourDMULabs with the Horizon Desktop Client rather than via the browser as it gives you better driver access (e.g. Wacom, mic connections, etc).
Library News - LibGuides at De Montfort University
Dec 20, 2021 · Not on campus and want to access a DMU based computer? Make use of the DMU service YourDMULabs, this allows you to connect to a DMU based computer, access and use the software on faculty computers. Save your work on …
USB Flash Drives in Data Storage - Walmart.com
Shop for USB Flash Drives in Data Storage. Buy products such as SanDisk 128GB Cruzer Glide USB 2.0 Flash Drive 2 Pack - SDCZ60-128G-AW462 at Walmart and save.