DTU Fee Receipt - New Admission Annual Fees Receipt for only those cases who have submitted fee directly in Accounts Branch for B.Tech, MBA, B.Tech LE New admission Live for AY 2024-25
DTU Admission Portal
Annual Fees Receipt for only those cases who have submitted fee directly in Accounts Branch Live for AY 2023-24
All newly students admitted through JAC (JEE Mains) in DTU are required to pay balance annual academic fees amounting to Rs. 1,24,000/- (Rs. One Lac Twenty Four Thousand Only) latest …
How to pay application fees - DTU
You may upload the payment receipt when you submit your application. Alternatively, a caseworker from DTU will contact you and re-open your application, so that you can upload …
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However, in exceptional cases, late submission of fees and Form will be accepted with a fine of FRS. 50/- per day on working hours or maximum up to Rs. 1000/- is upto maximum of 20 days …
Fees, funding and permits for the BSc in General Engineering - DTU
On receipt of the application fee, a confirmation e-mail will be sent to the applicant. The receipt should be attached to your application when you apply for admission at DTU through …
How to pay tuition fees
As soon as you have paid your first instalment, please send your bank receipt to [email protected] and remember to state your journal no. Non-EU/EEA citizens …
Provisional Hostel allotment of Undergraduate (UG) 2K21 Male …
All the students who have been allotted hostel are required to submit the following documents to their concerned hostel attendant at the time of possession: Copy of Payment receipt of Hostel …
Enter DTU in search below Category and Select “REGISTRAR, DTU (RECEIPT A/C)“as shown below Select Payment Category “Application fee for post of Asst. Prof.” as shown below
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