Daisy 880 Powerline part - DaisyTalk
Jun 22, 2022 · Daisy 880 Powerline part ... the pin and retainer for an "old style," 880. On the exploded parts diagram ...
Daisy 880 Compendium & Repair experiences - DaisyTalk - Page 1
Jun 21, 2009 · The schematic from Daisy "880.pdf" is marked "plastic receiver". Maybe some internal parts are compatible with the older ones, maybe not. But I think this is more or less a mute point anyway, not only should Daisy still have parts for those and do repairs, but the price is so low that many will just buy a new one for the same $$ that spare ...
881 repair - DaisyTalk
Jan 5, 2021 · Have you worked on Daisy 880’s before? If not you need to get an exploded diagram of the rifle so you can see where all the parts go then take it apart. I think it is the pump piston buffer that is bad. You should take it apart. Clean everything. Replace the seals and the piston buffer. Lube it with crossman pellgunoil.
Daisy 880 20th anniversary edition help - DaisyTalk - Page 1
Jun 16, 2012 · Go to JG Airguns LLC. Daisy, parts, and the model # you want. They have the parts you are looking for. If your gun shoots weak, you might need to replace the seals. Pump the gun 7 to 8 times, do you hear a hissing sound? If so you need to …
Daisy 880 Compendium & Repair experiences - DaisyTalk - Page 4
Jan 11, 2017 · Thank you Ken. That is a help to me. I like the old 880's but the valve is different on the insides as well as the seperate barrel difference. That means there are no parts to rebuild the older 880's if you have a problem bigger than a couple seals. Your frankengunning solves that problem. Glad you did it and posted here. Nice story as well.
Daisy 880 Compendium & Repair experiences - DaisyTalk - Page 2
Feb 6, 2013 · Great illustrated posting there! I recently rebuilt one of my 880's with parts ordered from Daisy. I have two 880's, one built in this country, the other, later, from China. The US-made gun has a fiber-optic front sight, the other a plain blade. The latter has extra screws securing the stock, a needed improvement.
880 all metal air rifle - DaisyTalk - Page 1
Feb 3, 2016 · Hello everyone, I'm a new member to this site and was wondering if anyone could give me some pointers on rebuilding a Daisy 880 all metal receiver rifle that belonged to my late fatherinlaw. The rifle will not pump up any pressure or shoot. Have no clue were to …
Maintenance on Daisy Powerline 880 BB gun - DaisyTalk
Sep 27, 2005 · Quote Reply Topic: Maintenance on Daisy Powerline 880 ... write them a request for a parts list at: Daisy ...
O-rings 880 pump head - DaisyTalk - Page 1
May 23, 2013 · check with daisy coustmer service I think you can probly get an 880 rebuild kit for a reasonable price. i got one about a year ago from them but i cant find the recipt.I got a few other parts and peices for some other guns too if my memory is right i think my total with shipping was $32. Cant hurt to call and ask them. 1-800-713-2479 good luck.
Powerline 880 year? - DaisyTalk - forum.daisymuseum.com
Jun 22, 2023 · If your 880 was sold as an 880s, it came with a small scope. Even if it has no scope, it will have an 11mm mounting rail for one. You may want to try the Daisy Powerline adjustable scope. This is much larger than the original 4x scope, and is adjustable in its power. It will mount directly to the gun's scope rail using the rings that come with it.