Datura - Drugs-Forum
May 7, 2010 · Datura (known by shamans as Toe) may be added to ayahuasca brews, but in very small amounts. The shamanic people who use the ayahuasca for religious purposes know of …
Experiences - Datura permanent damage warning - Drugs-Forum
Jul 20, 2016 · Hi, I joined to share about my 50-year-old brother's experience with Datura six months ago. It is important to understand that he was living with a brain injury when he took …
Datura - Drugs-Forum
Oct 10, 2004 · Ik heb het idee dat datura ( en familie als brugmansia) planten snel hun werking kunnen verliezen. Ik heb dit middel meerdere malen gebruikt. de ene keer merkte ik bijna niks …
Drug information - Datura basics - Drugs-Forum
Aug 3, 2006 · The good point was that smoking datura would not produce any unpleasant side effects such as the dry mouth/inability to piss/blurred vision you get when using it orally (which …
Drug information - Diphenhydramine vs. Datura? - Drugs-Forum
May 17, 2011 · Datura lasts longer but it can also be extremely dangerous. Datura also does not produce the drunk feeling diph does, it just give you a real hazy high and for a friend of mine …
Why is datura legal but cannabis not? - Drugs-Forum
Jul 14, 2007 · Generally, Datura flowers point up, and brugmansia flowers point downwards.. They are both as potent as the other, although a friend who has a lot of experience with these …
Experience Report My experience with datura + art - Drugs-Forum
Nov 17, 2021 · This plant is known by many names among the most popular datura, burundanga or floripondio as I knew it There are many varieties of it and it has several uses also, for …
Datura sends several students to the ER - Drugs-Forum
Nov 14, 2008 · Taylor Gillmor, an Eagle 7th grader says she learned about Datura in school. "I've just learned that it can grow in the wild and it's a hallucinogenic," she said. The drug is …
Smoking Datura Seeds - Drugs-Forum
Jun 22, 2015 · But smoking Datura with Cannabis while on DXM has produced some interesting hallucinatory states. This is no doubt due to the DXM, which already has strong synergy with …
Datura experiences? - Drugs-Forum
Jul 12, 2004 · Ive done datura tea about 4 or 5 times but yeah forsure make sure you dont take tomuch man. Ive had 50/50 luck wiht it one bad trip one good one. One the bad ones i usually …