DAVIS INSTRUMENTS Telo-Cat Windvane - West Marine
Davis Instruments Telo-Cat™ allows you to move the windvane into a more protected location that is just as easy to read. These unique windvanes install in seconds without tools to the headstay bridle high enough off the water for a clear reading, but isolated in the event of a knock down. Key Features.
WindTrak Wind Vanes — Davis Instruments
Light up the reflector tabs and vane on your WindTrak™ for easy viewing at night with LED WindTrak Light. Waterproof and non-corroding silver part... Replacement or add-on bird-proof spike for WindTrak 15 vanes. Extends another 10 inches (25cm) above the vane to discourage birds from landing.
Davis Instruments WindTrak 10 Sport Wind Vane - 3120
Davis Instrument's WindTrak 10.Sport Wind Vane offers exceptional performance at the best value of any wind indicator worldwide. The secret is in the sapphire jewel suspension bearing, large fin-low inertia vane, and easy-to-read, fully adjustable tacking.
Anemometer & Vane - WXforum.net
1 Davis Anemometer and Direction Vane. An anemometer is a wind speed measuring device. It usually uses cups mounted on a vertical shaft that rotates as the wind flows past. Davis has included a wind direction vane but still refers to the entire instrument as an anemometer. Illustration 1: A complete anemometer before installation.
Davis Instruments Wind-Tels Vane Set for Sail - amazon.com
Oct 1, 2001 · Wind-tels fit all boats large and small. They provide a visual indication of wind direction across the deck. Easy to install and made of durable, marine-rated materials.
- Reviews: 140
What is a Wind Vane? What does it measure? - Davis Instruments
A wind vane is mounted on a shaft or spire that is elevated off the ground. The wind catches the rudder blade and makes it rotate. The narrow end of the vane points into the wind and tells you the direction the wind is coming from.
Definitive list of windvane options? - YBW Forum
Mar 12, 2018 · Dave, If I were you I would get the upper unit of the Scanmar AutoHelm https://www.scanmarinternational.com/auto-helm and hook it up to a trimtab on your transom hung rudder. Thanks LoneHort, that looks like the best option I've seen so far!
Amazon.com: Davis Wind Vane
Metal Wind Vane,Sailboat Stainless Steel Weathervane for Outdoor Iron Roof Garden Outdoor Yard Decoration
Mast top wind vane advice - The WoodenBoat Forum
Jun 11, 2019 · I've used the Davis Windex on several boats and like the fact that you can adjust the tabs to different angles. The only drawback (for all of them) is that seagulls love to try to perch on them. Good to know. The Windex now comes with a stabby attachment for just that reason.
What Is A Wind Vane? - Terms of Davis Weather Station
Jul 20, 2022 · A wind vane is elevated off the ground and fixed on a shaft or spire. The wind catches and rotates the rudder blade. The thin end of the vane points into the wind and indicates the direction of the wind.