Dea Tacita - Wikipedia
In Roman mythology, Dea Tacita ("the silent goddess") also known as Dea Muta or Muta Tacita, was a goddess of the dead. [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] Ovid's Fasti includes a passage describing a rite propitiating Dea Tacita in order to "seal up hostile mouths / and unfriendly tongue" at …
What 'Kaos' Got Right (And Wrong) About Greek Mythology
Oct 18, 2024 · In The Show: Riddy visits her mother, a Tacita, during the first episode of Kaos to talk to her about her fate. Tacita, called Dea Tacita or Dea Muta by the Romans, were silent - something Riddy finds frustrating as she tries to converse with her mother.
Roman deities: Dea Tacita - Weird Italy
Sep 24, 2022 · Dea Tacita (“the silent goddess”) was a goddess of the dead in Roman mythology. She was compared to the naiad Larunda in later times. On December 23, Dea Tacita was worshipped under this form at the Larentalia festival.
Tacita Muta - Wikipedia
Nella mitologia romana Tacita Muta o Dea Tacita è la dea degli inferi che personifica il silenzio. Veniva onorata durante le Parentalia, il 18 febbraio o il 21 febbraio. Il suo culto era stato raccomandato dal re Numa Pompilio che aveva giudicato questa divinità necessaria all'istituzione del suo nuovo Stato.
Dea Tácita - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
En la mitología romana, Dea Tácita ("la diosa silenciosa") también conocida como Dea Muta o Muta Tacita era una diosa de los muertos. 1 2 3 La obra Fasti de Ovidio incluye un pasaje que describe un rito para propiciar a Dea Tácita para "sellar bocas hostiles / y lenguas hostiles" durante el Feralia el 21 de febrero. 4 5 Dea Tácita es l...
Dea Tacita - acearchive.org
Feb 22, 2023 · In Roman mythology, the goddess Dea Tacita, also known as Dea Muta or Muta Tacita, was revered as the goddess of the dead. As her name suggests, she was often portrayed as a silent figure, cloaked in mystery.
Tacita (Mythologie) – Wikipedia
(Dea) Tacita (lateinisch „die Schweigende (Göttin)“; auch Dea Muta „die stumme Göttin“) ist eine Unterweltgottheit der römischen Religion und Mythologie. Laut Ovid handelte es sich um eine Wassernymphe namens Lara oder ursprünglich Lala, eine Tochter des Flussgottes Almo, die infolge einer Vergewaltigung durch Mercurius zur Mutter der Laren wurde.
Tacita | Facts, Information, and Mythology - Encyclopedia Mythica
Mar 3, 1997 · Tacita "The silent." One of the Camenae, whose worship was believed to have been introduced at Rome by Numa. He is, moreover, said to have particularly recommended the worship of Tacita, as the most important among the Camenae. Cp. Larunda.
Tacita era una ninfa, precisamente una naiade, figlia del fiume Almone. Il suo nome originario era Lara, Lala o Larunda, divinità dell'oltretomba, insomma un'originaria Dea della morte, uno del triplice aspetto della Grande Madre.
Dea Tacita - Wikidata
enwiki Dea Tacita; eswiki Dea Tácita; itwiki Tacita Muta; nlwiki Tacita; ptwiki Tácita; ruwiki Тацита (мифология) trwiki Dea Tacita; ukwiki ...