What is a Degu? Degu World.com
A Degu (pronounced Day-goo) is an ever-increasing popular pet. Originating from Chile, Degus are part of the Octodon family, same as Guinea pigs and similar to Chinchillas, classified due to having a 'figure 8' shape on there front teeth.
TOPIC: Why do I have negative karma? - deguworld.com
Since I joined and posted about my pet degu I have noticed that I have been given a negative karma point. Could someone explain how the system works and how I might have come to have acquired it? I could almost understand if it was based on my post about having a lone male.
Cage and Housing Guide - Degu World.com
Any broken or badly worn items which make them unsafe should be removed immediately and suitable replacements found. Areas where your Degu excrements and urinates should be spot cleaned regularly to prevent smells and bacteria.
Degu World UK: Crossword
The Internet's Degu Expert. Click on a word to find the question and enter the answer. If you are unsure you check if it is right at any point
Degu World.com
Degu World.com