Sandak Basa Giya (Nelum Mal Pipunu) | Clarance Wijewardana
Jul 23, 2021 · Artist : Clarence WijewardenaAll credit goes to the Original Artist/s and all other composer/s and musician/s who created t...
Delum mal pipunu dewatadige. Wonderfull Song of Late Mr.
Jun 20, 2017 · Wonderfull Song of Late Mr. Clarance Wijewardana. Sing by Jude Francis.
Sandak Besa Giya Awara Gire Chords By Clarence Wijewardana ...
Sandak Besa Giya Awara Gire chords and lyrics by Clarence Wijewardana. Total: 69 songs. - Your ultimate hub for Sinhala songs chords.
Sandak Besa Giya - Song Lyrics and Music by Clarence ... - Smule
Sandak Besa Giya by Clarence Wijewardena - Karaoke Lyrics on Smule. | Smule Social Singing Karaoke app
Sandak Basa Giya Chords - ULTIMATE GUITAR
Nov 2, 2020 · Bb F Dm Matath lowak... thibuna... mathakai C F Mama imi sihi...karala F Delum mal pipunu deveta dige... C Pa...sel giya... kale... Bb F Dm Mal wage sina...sunu kellan ha...
Sandak Besa Giya Chords by Clarence Wijewardana @ AlaChords
Bb F Dm Matath lowak... thibuna... mathakai C F Mama imi sihi...karala F Delum mal pipunu deveta dige... C Pa...sel giya... kale... Bb F Dm Mal wage sina...sunu kellan ha...
Sandak Besa Giya - Guitar Chords with Lyrics by Clarence …
Bb F Dm Matath lowak... thibuna... mathakai C F Mama imi sihi...karala F Delum mal pipunu deveta dige... C Pa...sel giya... kale... Bb F Dm Mal wage sina...sunu kellan ha...
Sandak Basa Giya Awara Gire ( Chords )
Bb F Dm Matath lowak... thibuna... mathakai C F Mama imi sihi...karala F Delum mal pipunu deveta dige... C Pa...sel giya... kale... Bb F Dm Mal wage sina...sunu kellan ha...
Delum mal pipunu deveta dige pasal giya kalee Bb F Dm Mal wage sinasunu kellan haaaa C F ... Song Title : Sandak Basa Giya - Nelum Mal Pipunu. Artist : Super Golden Chimes, Clarance Wijewardana. Album : Genre : Songwriter : Super Golden Chimes.
Sandak Besa Giya by Clarence Wijewardana chords | chordsl.com
Bb F Dm Matath lowak... thibuna... mathakai C F Mama imi sihi...karala F Delum mal pipunu deveta dige... C Pa...sel giya... kale... Bb F Dm Mal wage sina...sunu kellan ha...