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Demodand - Search - D&D Beyond
demodand (see Morte’s Planar Parade) street food vendor pushes a rusty cart down a nearby alley. Charred, sausage-link manacles dangle from the cart’s torn awning. The demodand …
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Demodand - Great Library of Greyhawk
Demodands, also known as gehreleths (in the second edition era), are a race of fiends found primarily on the plane of Carceri. Demodands are sexless and sterile among their own kind, …
Demodand | Dungeons & Dragons Lore Wiki | Fandom
In the fictional worlds of the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game, demodands (gehreleths in 2nd Edition D&D) are a race of fiends native to the Tarterian Depths of …
Demodands - D&D Lore Through the Editions - YouTube
Shator Demodand - 5etools
Shators, known as shaggy demodands, dominate demodand society, ruthlessly commanding their lesser kin. They are hulking creatures covered in fungal growths. Shators are the self-appointed wardens of Carceri, and they keep …
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Kelubar Demodand - 5etools
Kelubars, sometimes called slimy demodands, are the bureaucrats of Carceri, existing as intermediaries between farastus and shators. They are squat, and their skin drips with a foul-smelling, acidic slime.
Demodand - 5th Edition SRD
As the thanatotic titans expand their influence and holdings in the Abyss with immortal patience, it is the demodands who act as their shock troops, generals, and slavers. Their preferred …
Monsters: Demodands (or Gehreleth) in 5e - Giant in the …
Nov 15, 2015 · Demodand summoning: As an alternate rule, demodands can have an ability identical to the demon summing variant, summoning demodands instead: A farastu has a 30% …
Demodand - D&D Wiki
As the thanatotic titans expand their influence and holdings in the Abyss with immortal patience, it is the demodands who act as their shock troops, generals, and slavers. Their preferred …
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