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    Demodand - Forgotten Realms Wiki

    • Demodands had three forms, although other subraces were said to exist, each so hideous that even other denizens of the Lower Planes found gehreleths grotesque. All demodands had corpse-like chara… See more


    Demodands were largely driven by an instinctual urge to bring ruin onto others, a desire that manifested in more … See more


    Gehreleths were fewer in number than other fiendish races but even the members of their lowest caste were comparable to high-ranking entities from other parts of the Lower Planes. They naturally were under the effect o… See more


    Contrary to popular belief, gehreleths had a form of government, albeit an extremely simplistic and yet bizarre one. They largely lacked an economic system, exchanging nothing of material or cultural value. The fact that th… See more


    Demodands possessed both infravision and ultravision.
    Despite being voracious carnivores, gehreleths … See more

    Rumors and Legends

    There were numerous legends and claims about how the demodands came into existence, with many purporting them to be at least as old as the other fiendish races. It was rumored that an information broker from the U… See more

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