Demodand - Forgotten Realms Wiki
They were the primal creations of evil and implacable forces of destruction, exiled to Carceri for their chaotic taint and the self-appointed wardens of their fellow prisoners within the Tarterian Depths. [1][7] Nobody really knows the purpose of the foul creatures.
Demodand – d20PFSRD
As the thanatotic titans expand their influence and holdings in the Abyss with immortal patience, it is the demodands who act as their shock troops, generals, and slavers. Their preferred captives are mortals with some connection to the gods, such as clerics, paladins, or other believers.
Demodand, Stringy – d20PFSRD
In addition to its grotesque appendages and distasteful visage, a stringy demodand has a grating, alien voice that is simultaneously guttural and nasal. So terrible is its call that when it roars, a stringy demodand sends humans and demons alike scurrying for safety.
Demodand - Search - D&D Beyond
demodand (see Morte’s Planar Parade) named Villigus Bazengar. Susceptible to cajolery, the ruthless demodand has been known to spare those who stroke his insufferable ego.
Demodand, Squamous – d20PFSRD
Once every 1d4 rounds as a standard action, a squamous demodand can harness the intense Abyssal power roiling within its body and release a furious roar upon its enemies.
Demodand - Great Library of Greyhawk
Demodands, also known as gehreleths (in the second edition era), are a race of fiends found primarily on the plane of Carceri. Demodands are sexless and sterile among their own kind, though some may identify as one gender or the other.
Monster Subtypes - Archives of Nethys: Pathfinder RPG Database
Demodands are chaotic evil outsiders who stalk the Abyss. Unless otherwise noted in the creature’s entry, a demodand has the following traits. Immunity to acid and poison. Resistance to fire 10 and cold 10. A demodand’s natural weapons, as well as any weapons it wields, are treated as chaotic and evil for the purpose of resolving damage ...
Stringy Demodand - Monsters - Archives of Nethys: Pathfinder …
These ropy feelers bob and sway wildly as a stringy demodand moves, creating a truly disturbing image for those victims who glimpse back at their Abyssal pursuer.
Squamous Demodand - Monsters - Archives of Nethys
Instead of serving any subtle tactical function in demodand armies, squamous demodands are pure, unadulterated muscle, and they almost always act at the behest of a higher-ranking shaggy demodand or a thanatotic titan.
Demodand, Slimy – d20PFSRD
A slimy demodand stands 6 feet tall and weighs 500 pounds. Slimy demodands often serve as shock troops in demodand armies, but they are also frequently put in charge of gathering and …
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