Gastornis - Wikipedia
Gastornis is an extinct genus of large, flightless birds that lived during the mid- Paleocene to mid- Eocene epochs of the Paleogene period. Most fossils have been found in Europe, and some species typically referred to the genus are known from North America and Asia.
Review of Gastornithiformes - palaeo-electronica.org
Aug 16, 2024 · These fossils were described as Diatryma geiselensis Fischer, 1978 and represent the latest occurrence of gastornithiforms. Initiated by the discovery of a previously unrecognized, largely complete albeit strongly flattened skull, we revisit the …
Forgotten Fossil Reveals Shocking Truth About 45-Million-Year …
Among them was Diatryma, a towering bird that stood 4.6 feet (1.40 meters) tall and bore an imposing appearance. For many years, paleontologists debated the role of this flightless giant in its...
45-million-year-old Diatryma skull rediscovered in Germany
Jan 27, 2025 · Among these creatures roamed Diatryma, a massive, flightless bird that stood 4.6 feet (1.40 meters) tall. With its robust frame and enormous beak, this prehistoric giant was once thought to be a fearsome predator.
Groundbreaking Fossil Find: Unique Bird Skull Identified in Geiseltal
Jan 22, 2025 · Around 45 million years ago, an intriguing creature known as Diatryma, a flightless bird measuring approximately 4.6 feet tall (1.40 meters), inhabited the lush, tropical swamps of the Geiseltal region in what is now southern Saxony-Anhalt, Germany.
45-million-year-old giant bird skull misidentified for decades
This fossilized skull belonged to now-extinct Diatryma, a flightless bird that reached heights of 4.6 feet (1.40 meters). This fearsome giant dominated the ancient Geiseltal region in Germany.
Fossil Birds - Museum für Naturkunde
In the 1950s, they were complemented by excavated remains of the giant flightless bird Diatryma from the Eocene lignite of the Geiseltal. Numerous bird remains from the Miocene in France (St. Gérand-le-Puy, Sansan) were purchased for the collection in 1887.
Diatryma, Dodo, Elephant bird. flying and flightless bird cast …
Found in 1877 in Germany's Solnhofen Limestone, the Berlin specimen remains the best preserved Archaeopteryx of those so far discovered. From the claws and feathers on the wings to the teeth in the tiny skull, the Berlin skeleton is a window on bird evolution.
Neue Reste des Riesenlaufvogels Diatryma aus dem Eozan des
The first complete tarsometatarsus demonstrates, by its shortness and thickness, that Diatryma was no true running bird. There is some indication of a relationship to the ralliform birds.
Schädel in Mitteldeutschland gefunden: Um dieses ausgestorbene …
Jan 22, 2025 · Nach umfangreichen Untersuchungen und der Restaurierung bestätigten Experten des Senckenberg Forschungsinstitutes und Naturmuseums Frankfurt nun, dass es sich um einen Diatryma-Schädel handelt. Das zweite bekannte Fossil dieser Art befindet sich den Angaben zufolge im American Museum of Natural History in New York City.