Andromon | DigimonWiki | Fandom
Andromon is an Electric Vaccine Type, Ultimate level Digimon and uses 12 memory. It digivolves from Guardromon, Clockmon, and Tankmon, and can digivolve to Craniamon, TigerVespamon, and HiAndromon.
Andromon - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki
Andromon appears as an obtainable Perfect-level Vaccine type Digimon in Digimon World. Andromon serves as the leader of the Factorial Town, where it'll spend most of the time in the Control Room trying to operate and solve the problems that are happening around the Town.
Andromon - Digimon - Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Hacker's …
Andromon is a Vaccine Electric Digimon that has the number #144 in the Field Guide. On this page, you will find Andromon's digivolution requirements, its prior and succeeding digivolutions, drops, moves and more.
Andromon | Digimon Encyclopedia | Digimon Web | Digimon …
Andromon is an Android Digimon. It’s powerful enough to take out any Digimon of less than Ultimate level with a single blow. Developed as a prototype for Android Digimon, Andromon was created as a machine-based model at the same time Boltmon was made to be an organic one.
Andromon - Digimon - Digimon Survive Wiki - Grindosaur
Everything you need to know about Andromon from Digimon Survive: Andromon is a Moral (Vaccine)-typed Digimon with the number ID077 in the Field Guide's monster section. On this page, you will find Andromon's Evolution requirements, prior and succeeding Evolutions, item drops, moves, and more.
Andromon | Heroes Wiki | Fandom
Andromon is one of the minor heroes of Digimon Adventure and Digimon Adventure 02. His attacks are Gatling Attack and Lightning Blade. In Digimon Tamers, he is ultimate form of Guardromon. In the Japanese version he was voiced by the late Kiyoyuki Yanada in original Digimon Adventure, and...
Andromon - Digimon Unlimited Wiki
Guardromon HiAndromon Clockmon (Jogressed with Birdramon, Garurumon, Greymon, Hanumon, Ikkakumon, Kabuterimon, Leomon, Revolmon, Rukamon, Tailmon, Tortamon, or V ...
Andromon - Digimon Masters Online Wiki - DMO Wiki
Andromon is an Android Digimon whose name and design are derived from the Android. It possesses a fighting strength which can fell a Digimon below Ultimate in a single blow.
Andromon - Digimon Adventure Wiki
Andromon (アンドロモン) is minor character of Digimon Adventure and Digimon Adventure 02. In Kabuterimon's Electro Shocker, In The Crest of Light, In Joe's Battle, In The Crest of Friendship, In Piedmon's Last Jest, In The Fate of Two Worlds, In …
Andromon - Villains Wiki
Andromon is a Ultimate Level Digimon, reminiscent of android. He can fire spiral swords from his hands, and in addition, the missiles he fires can move on their own and shoot.