Minomon | DigimonWiki | Fandom
Minomon is #018 in Digimon World Dawn and Dusk, and is a Technical-class Insect/Plant species Digimon with a resistance to the Thunder element and a weakness to the Wind element.
Minomon - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki
Minomon is the Partner Digimon of Ichijouji Ken. Minomon is no where to be found except being born from the Digitama, but can evolve to Wormmon if above level 10 and friendship 50%, …
Minomon - Digimon: Digital Monsters Encyclopedia
Mino: from minomushi (蓑虫), the larval form of an insect called ōminoga, known as the bagworm moth () Throws a hard, pinecone-shaped object at the enemy. Reduces damage taken from …
Minomon - Digimon - Digimon Wiki - Grindosaur
Minomon is a Digivolution of Leafmon, having gained a tough outer shell. On days that have nice weather or when it's in a good mood, Minomon will poke its head out of its shell and veg out.It …
Minomon - Digimon - Digital Tamers 2 Wiki - Grindosaur
Discover everything about Minomon from Digital Tamers 2. Find its digivolution requirements, prior and succeeding forms, drops, moves, and more on this page.
Minomon | Digimon Encyclopedia | Digimon Web | Digimon …
Minomon (P-149) | DigimonCardGame Wiki | Fandom
[When Attacking] [Once Per Turn] If this Digimon has 2 or more colors, by trashing 1 card in your hand, delete 1 of your opponent's level 3 Digimon.
Minomon | Heroes Wiki | Fandom
Minomon is In-Training form of Wormmon and one of the main heroes in Digimon Adventure 02. His known attack is Pincone Attack where he shoots pinecones at his enemies.
Minomon | Monster Wiki | Fandom
Minomon is a Baby-level Larva Digimon that digivolves from Leafmon. Resembling a bagworm, it has a small, worm-like body partially concealed within a spiky, wooden shell. The long strand …
Minomon - Digimobs Wiki
A Digimon that is an evolution of Leafmon, and went into a tough outer shell. On days with good weather, or when it's in a good mood, it sticks its face out of its shell and vegetates.
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