Diocese of Springfield in Illinois – Roman Catholic Diocese
We're Here To Help. Our diocesan website offers you news and information, the ability to review and register for many diocesan events, and resources to help you navigate our Catholic faith …
h a s co me t o me a n t o me . Re f l e ct i n g b a ck o n t h e t i me sp e n t g ro wi n g u p i n O h i o , I ’ ve re a l i ze d mo re a n d mo re n o t o n l y h o w l o vi n g my p a re n t s we re b u t a …
Offices and Ministries of the Diocesan Curia – Diocese of …
Offices of the Diocesan Curia. The offices and agencies of the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois are often referred to as the Curia. They exist to assist the bishop in the administration of the …
Parish Directory – Diocese of Springfield in Illinois - dio.org
Click on the city and name of the parish for more information
Office for Divine Worship and the Catechumenate
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the sacramental process for the pastoral formation and guidance, aimed at training new members in the Christian life.. These …
Procession – Diocese of Springfield in Illinois - dio.org
1-3 p.m.: Bishop Michael McGovern of the Diocese of Belleville will hand off the national traveling monstrance to Bishop Thomas John Paprocki of the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois at Ss. …
Office of the Bishop – Diocese of Springfield in Illinois - dio.org
The Most Reverend Thomas John Paprocki was named the Bishop of Springfield in Illinois on April 20, 2010 by his Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI. For his episcopal motto Bishop Paprocki …
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About the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois - dio.org
The mission of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Springfield in Illinois is to build a fervent community of intentional and dedicated missionary disciples of the Risen Lord and steadfast …