Dis/ability critical race studies (DisCrit): theorizing at the ...
Oct 30, 2012 · In this article, we combine aspects of Critical Race Theory (CRT) and Disability Studies (DS) to propose a new theoretical framework that incorporates a dual analysis of race and ability: Dis/ability Critical Race Studies, or DisCrit.
What is DisCrit? Understanding disability critical race studies
Jun 17, 2021 · DisCrit focuses on ways that the forces of racism and ableism circulate interdependently, often in invisible ways, to uphold notions of 'normalcy'. The foundations of DisCrit lie in Black and critical race feminist scholarship and activism.
Review of DisCrit: Disability Studies and Critical Race Theory in ...
Perhaps most importantly in the chapter, they offer seven proposed tenets of DisCrit: DisCrit focuses on ways that the forces of racism and ableism circulate interdependently, often in neutralized and invisible ways, to uphold notions of normality.
Critical Disability Theory - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Sep 23, 2019 · Annamma, Ferri, and Connor provide a thorough lineage of DisCrit and review existing literature (2018). Out of this intensive review of themes and topics, they surface seven foundational tenets of DisCrit and include examples in the …
DisCrit, an intersectional theoretical framework with seven tenets, helps examine how social co-constructions of race and ability uphold such notions of nor-malcy, consequences for multiply marginalized children (e.g., children of Color with dis/abilities), and ways to dis-mantle racism and ableism within institutional processes and discourses ...
DisCrit: Addressing Bias in Early Childhood Education
The tenets of DisCrit lead to various ethical solutions for the ECE field. Solutions grounded in DisCrit focus on reaffirming dis/ability and race at all levels of the ECE system (i.e., provider, …
Tenets of DisCrit. Source: Annamma et al., 2013. - ResearchGate
This article provides the introduction to a special issue of the Teachers College Record (TCR) “Imagining Possible Futures: Disability Critical Race Theory as a Lever for Praxis in Education”. We...
Disability Critical Race Theory: Exploring the Intersectional Lineage ...
Apr 5, 2018 · In this chapter, we (1) trace the intellectual lineage for developing DisCrit, (2) review the body of interdisciplinary scholarship incorporating DisCrit to date, and (3) propose the future trajectories of DisCrit, noting challenges and tensions that have arisen.
For DisCrit to be useful, we propose the following tenets: DisCrit focuses on ways that the forces of racism and ableism circu-late interdependently, often in neutralized and invisible ways, to uphold notions of normalcy.
Pursuing Justice-Driven Inclusive Education Research: Disability ...
Feb 18, 2021 · DisCrit includes seven tenets that represent its intersectional analytic lens (Annamma et al., 2013). These tenets reflect the framework’s affordances and principles.