Wallpaper & Media Gallery - Dungeons & Dragons
Take a closer look at Dungeons & Dragons—these free artworks, wallpapers, and online comics should whet your appetite for the game and let you show off to those in the know. You never …
Dungeons & Dragons
El juego de rol Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) consiste en contar historias en mundos fantásticos de espadas y brujería y un grupo de leales compañeros es esencial para adentrarte en la …
D&D Events & Conventions - Dungeons & Dragons
D&D is proud to take part in both virtual and in-person events, helping bring tens of thousands of gamers together to meet, have fun, and learn more about what's coming up.
Educator Resources - Dungeons & Dragons
Dungeons & Dragons is a powerful learning tool that provides kids with numerous social, emotional, and creative benefits. We are thrilled to provide resources, news, and tips on how …
Writer Interview: Written in Blood by Erin Roberts - Dungeons
Having created TTRPG content for a couple of years while writing an official fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons setting and adventure in Journeys Through the Radiant Citadel, she’s …
Extra Life D&D Partnership - Dungeons & Dragons
Dirlagraun, the Witchlight Carnival’s gray-whiskered displacer beast, looks after lost children much like the D&D community bands together to help sick and injured children. Once again, we are …
Comenzar a jugar - Dungeons & Dragons
¡Prepárate para explorar el mundo de Dungeons & Dragons! Si ya tienes la Caja de Inicio de D&D: Los dragones de la Isla de las Tempestades, esta incluye todos los materiales …
Dungeons & Dragons
Non hai mai giocato a Dungeons & Dragons? Il gioco di ruolo Dungeons & Dragons si basa sulla narrazione ed è ambientato in mondi in cui spade e magia sono all’ordine del giorno. Proprio …
Guía del Dungeon Master - Dungeons & Dragons
Ganador (Oro): Mejor libro electrónico: Dungeons & Dragons (Basic Rules) Ganador (Oro): Producto gratuito: Dungeons & Dragons (Basic Rules) Ganador (Oro): Mejor editorial elegida …
Charakterbögen - Dungeons & Dragons
Neu in der Welt von Dungeons & Dragons? Dies ist der richtige Einstiegspunkt. Sieh dir das legendäre Fantasy-Rollenspiel genauer an und finde heraus, warum Millionen Spieler weltweit …
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