Masaaki Hatsumi: Dojo Giga|Earth — Available Now – Dojo Art …
Masaaki Hatsumi is the head instructor of the Bujinkan Dojo and these nine martial schools: Togakure Ryu, Shindenfudo Ryu, Koto Ryu, Takagiyoshin Ryu, Kukishinden Ryu, Gyokko Ryu, Gikan Ryu, Gyokushin Ryu, and Kumogakure Ryu.
A3 Prints – Dojo Art Books
We delivered to everyone who pre-ordered. We over printed by just a small number so very few A3 Print sets remain. The last remaining sets are reserved for Bujinkan Dojo members. The A3 Prits can be delivered at Nagato Sensei's event in Dayton, Ohio (in May) or in Japan at the Bujinkan Hombu Dojo.
Dojo Art – Dojo Art Books
Masaaki Hatsumi: Dojo Art (published in 2013) combines action photos shot at the dojo with a sample of the works Sensei painted for students as gifts. With these artworks, he communicated directly — transcending linguistic and cultural barriers — exactly as he did with his martial art.
A1 Prints - Dojo Art Books
Masaaki Hatsumi: Art Prints Hatsumi Sensei exhibited a selection of his paintings at the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan in Tokyo, in February of 2017. To publicize and commemorate this historic exhibition, we made a set of 13 prints.
My Way - Dojo Art Books
In a sense, My Way is a prequel to Masaaki Hatsumi Dojo Art. Craig takes us to the dojo when Hatsumi Sensei was a bit younger, the training was considerably rougher, and Sensei was still developing his style of expression with the brush.
Products – Dojo Art Books
'Earth' helps us meditate on those of Hatsumi Sensei's paintings which illustrate “the three poisons” of ignorance, rage, and desire. Each is like a koan — meditating on them helps us see from his perspective.
Masaaki Hatsumi: Dojo Giga | Earth – Dojo Art Books
Earth is about bonno (afflictions understood in Buddhism to be rooted in misconceptions and the cause of suffering). Earth helps us meditate on those of Hatsumi Sensei's paintings which illustrate “the three poisons” of ignorance, rage, and desire. Get three Heaven books for free delivery — a savings of $120.
Heaven | One Book – Dojo Art Books
Masaaki Hatsumi: Dojo Giga|Heaven. Heaven is volume one of Hatsumi Sensei's art book series. The theme of Heaven is martial virtue: military force used properly — namely, to create civilization and maintain peace.
Heaven & Earth | One of Each – Dojo Art Books
Heaven and Earth are Swiss bound (allowing the front cover to open fully) and the binding is Smyth sewn with thread (so pages lay flat — fully revealing the art and action photos). The books are bilingual, written in Japanese and English.
Updates – Dojo Art Books
Masaaki Hatsumi: Dojo Art (published in 2013) combined action photos shot at the dojo with a sample of the works Hatsumi Sensei painted for students as gifts. With these, he communicated directly — transcending linguistic and cultural barriers — exactly as he did with his physical arts.