Week in review: Your Sunday digest of the news
Sep 8, 2024 · Late last month, Evanstonians Jeff and Dori Balch hosted two intrepid travelers biking cross-country on solar-powered tricycles for a night. Thomas Polo and Megan Routbort (above) co-founded a zero emissions travel advocacy group and rode 2,998 miles from Berkeley, California, to Evanston.
Portal Spotlight - Duquesne University
Students, faculty and staff can find how-tos, tips and more info. about the new central hub for accessing the University information systems and resources. Current students and employees can sign up for DU Alert, an automated message notification system for emergencies or major disruptions to campus services. Emergency?
Sun powers cyclists from California to Evanston (and beyond)
Sep 4, 2024 · Credit: Jeff Balch Traveling west-to-east in the northern hemisphere, the cyclists see the sun to their right (in the southern sky) for much of the day. This raises the interesting question of whether an articulated panel — a panel that can be tilted to face the sun more directly — can improve performance.
Dori Balch - España | Perfil profesional - LinkedIn
-- · Ubicación: España · 5 contactos en LinkedIn. Mira el perfil de Dori Balch en LinkedIn, una red profesional de más de 1.000 millones de miembros.
Balch & Bingham | Professionals | Balch & Bingham LLP
At Balch & Bingham, we go beyond building a case to building a relationship - one that's grounded in trust with a team of exceptional professionals dedicated to discovering creative and practical options that help you advance your business. Professionals; Services; News & Events; Offices; DEI; Balch Business Boost; Careers; About; Privacy Policy
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Our formula harmonizes to elevate every moment. Feeling better, Ease & Peace, and Unbelievably Positive Results are often reported. "Dancing is my life. I push myself hard. I didn't realize there was any support for my muscles for recovery and repair until I found Dori Balm. It's now with me wherever I go."
Balch & Bingham LLP
Balch & Bingham LLP is a corporate law firm with more than 200 attorneys across offices in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, Texas, and Washington, D.C.
Diversity Equity & Inclusion | Balch & Bingham LLP
At Balch, we believe it is imperative that we all work together to tackle systemic injustices and to proactively support people who are forced to navigate and overcome unnecessary barriers to achieving success.
Dori Walsh - Financial Consultant - LinkedIn
Sincerely, Dori [email protected] 608-406-2247 · Experience: Walsh Financial · Education: University of Wisconsin LaCrosse · Location: La Crosse · 227 connections on LinkedIn. View...
- Title: Walsh Financial
- Location: Walsh Financial
- Connections: 227
Lori Balch - Clinical Trainer and Consultant - LinkedIn
Telehealth, Digital Health, and Clinical Training Consultant · Lori is a seasoned telemedicine professional with twenty years of experience in design, implementation, and management of...
- Title: Telehealth, Digital Health, and …
- Location: AMD Global Telemedicine, Inc.
- 500+ connections