Draca | ItsFunneh Wikia | Fandom
Draca is a joke character created by the KREW. She is a TikToker with more than 900 quadrillion followers. She is after The KREW Bois; notably Funboi, Goldboi, Rainboi, and Lunarboi. Similar to the others, Draca's outfits change while consistently keeping the color scheme of …
YOU'RE MINE... Roblox Flee the Facility! - YouTube
Draca is back for her revenge! REEE! Subscribe & never miss a video! http://bit.ly/Funneh Previous Videos! http://bit.ly/Krewvide... The nightmare never ends.
KREW plays Roblox Flee the Facility! (FUNNY) - YouTube
Can we escape this horrible library or will the beast find us all? Subscribe & never miss a video! http://bit.ly/Funneh New Merch! https://krewdistrict.com...
Discuss Everything About ItsFunneh Wikia | Fandom
Draca. Draca is a joke character created by the KREW. She is a TikToker with more than 900 quadrillion followers. She is after The KREW Bois; notably Funboi, Goldboi, Rainboi, and Lunarboi. Similar to the others, Draca's outfits change while consistently keeping the color scheme of red, white, and...
SHE'S BACK... Roblox Flee the Facility! - YouTube
This is the worst nightmare in history... Draca is back again! Subscribe & never miss a video! http://bit.ly/Funneh Previous Videos! http://bit.ly/Krewvide...
Draca | ItsFunneh Fanon Wiki - Fandom
Draca is a member of the The KREW Bois, along with Rainboi, Goldboi, Funboi, and Lunarboi. Allena La was born on May 12, 1998, in Alberta, Canada. She has a stepsister named Drucella. Her Zodiac...
Girl vs. Boys in Roblox Flee the Facility! (Funny Moments)
We must escape the facility! Subscribe Today! http://bit.ly/Funneh Previous Videos! http://bit.ly/KrewPlaylist...more. Don't get caught by the beast...
Draca/Gallery | ItsFunneh Wikia - Fandom
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DracaFanClub - Reddit
Dec 29, 2020 · r/DracaFanClub: DRACA is from a channel called Itsfunneh, the channel revolves around funny gaming videos. The first time they introduced DRACA was …
Krew - Wikipedia
They have a total of 7 YouTube channels (ItsFunneh, GoldenGlare, DraconiteDragon, Lunar Eclipse, PaintingRainbows, KREW, and KREW WORLD), with ItsFunneh being the main channel. Although the channel ItsFunneh is named after Funneh, it is a group channel for all of Krew. [2]